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  1. Frogdogtimestwo

    French Bulldog Puppies!

  2. Frogdogtimestwo


  3. Frogdogtimestwo

    Favorite Homesteading and related topics forums you visit?

    I was wondering if you guys would have any recommendations for me. I am always interested in learning new things about be self sufficient etc. I already know of the sister site to here but where else would you recommend? TIA
  4. Frogdogtimestwo

    What would you serve with a pastie (pasty to some) dinner?

    It is tradition to serve pasties for Christmas eve dinner at our house, this year we are spending it with relatives and she just sent me her menu plan for the next day and she is making the spinach salad I told her I was bringing so what do you suggest I serve with the pasties. Thanks for all...
  5. Frogdogtimestwo

    Plucking Question!

    I was wondering if anyone could give me tips for getting all the little fine feathers after the main plucking is done, the last one we did had super fine hairs the kids moaned about on the skin????? I was thinking about using maybe a lighter or something to burn them off? THANKS IN ADVANCE...
  6. Frogdogtimestwo

    When to butcher for Thanksgiving??

    I am trying to schedule a day for my husband to help me have the birds ready for Thanksgiving, how many days would be best for proper resting period and brining??? THANKS IN ADVANCE!
  7. Frogdogtimestwo

    Why such a vast difference in looks in my Sebbies?

    All three of these goslings hatched from the same parentage and they all look so different, Do you think that smooth goose will feather out properly? They are around 5 months old maybe a tad younger, I cannot remember exact day. Is it true that ganders usually feather up sooner than a goose...
  8. Frogdogtimestwo

    Goose ripped of a nail

    I have a young Sebbie that ripped off one of its toenails somehow, it has been limping for a week and does not seem to be getting better, laying down a lot to get off its feet. Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated. Frogdog
  9. Frogdogtimestwo

    Easiest Watermark program to use on photos

    Please tell me what watermark program is the most user friendly. I am starting a blog and would like to cover my basis. THANKS IN ADVANCE, Frogdog
  10. Frogdogtimestwo

    Question about mating

    Will the tom continue to mate with the hens year round? Our girls just got over being broody and now they are starting to molt and the tom will not get off them, they are thin (so I have boosted protein levels) from being broody and not wanting to eat during that time, I swear he is going to...
  11. Frogdogtimestwo

    WHY do you have geese?

    I was thinking about my impulse buy of a trio of sebbies and I got to thinking what do I need them for besides eye candy for the yard? Since BYC has such a variety of people I thought I would put this out there and see what others have or use their geese for. THANKS, Frogdog
  12. Frogdogtimestwo

    OH the SMELL! When can they go outdoors!

    I just got a trio of goslings that are 5 weeks old and they are stinking up my sunroom, when can they go outside? Please tell me today Our daily highs are in the 90's and lows in the 55 plus range. They will be locked in a dog house style coop with no heat lamp at night. Will they be fine...
  13. Frogdogtimestwo

    Feeding Geese hay?

    I live in a grass sparse area, I was wondering when my goslings are old enough if I can throw a flake of alfalfa in the pen with them or would that be too much protein? If not would Bermuda work (not as moist and tasty so I am not sure they would eat) What would be a good age to do this if it is...
  14. Frogdogtimestwo

    Question about run floor/surface for Geese

    I have a long run for my future Sebastopol geese already made the problem is that I live in an area with NO GRASS, what do you recommend that I put down in the run so they do not destroy their feathers and wallow in mud all day??? I considered fake lawn grass but I am afraid they will eat the...
  15. Frogdogtimestwo

    Sebastopol Geese sexing question

    I am interested in some saddleback sebbies but the breeder does not know how to sex them and frankly neither do I. Is there and easy way to tell with goslings as you can with white sebbies or not? Thanks in advance!
  16. Frogdogtimestwo

    Feed question

    I did a search but did not see the answer. I have 10 meaties coming tomorrow and I want to purchase 50lb bags of feed in advance. How many will it take to get to butchering age for 10 of them? Thanks in advance! Oh, also the only feed carried around here for the broilers is either gamebird at...
  17. Frogdogtimestwo

    Which model of incubator to buy

    ...all the suggestions and opinions from experienced hatchers. I know this conversation has been hashed out a lot but has anyone been shopping and price comparing lately, I would really appreciate the help. TIA *ETA What is a good sale or price to pay for a 1588? Who has the best customer service?
  18. Frogdogtimestwo

    Pooping on eggs

    My MW hen is still broody setting on 12 eggs, she has started pooping on them, she will not even leave the nest. What should I do, I am afraid if I wash them it will clog the pores but if I don't then the bacteria will kill them anyways. Suggestion would be fantastic, thanks everyone.
  19. Frogdogtimestwo

    Meatie Questions

    I would like to raise some CX's but I have a few questions. First I live where there is no grass, are they going to taste any better than store bought? And I live in a fairly hot climate but with a lot of rain in the summer. I plan on using a covered tractor, would I be better off with freedom...
  20. Frogdogtimestwo

    MW Hen trying to hatch eggs question

    I searched for the answer but did not see it so I need the turkey experts to chime in. My Midget White girls have been laying on 28 eggs for more than a month,probably closer to 40 days. When should we see signs of going to hatch? I have tested 2 eggs over the last week and both were...
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