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  1. Sammykins

    Help - is this blood in droppings?

    Could just be a funny coloured cecal poop. Probably nothing to worry about :)
  2. Sammykins

    Badly Pecked Young Chicken with Swollen Eye

    She looks great!! Love hearing stories like these, makes me feel like there is still love in this world! Coconut is one lucky chick. :)
  3. Sammykins

    Badly Pecked Young Chicken with Swollen Eye

    Poor thing :( breaks my heart. So great of you guys to look after her! Go to a farm feed store and get her some antibiotic to put in her water maybe. Or electrolyte solution. They should have some ointments there too to put on any sore areas on her face. I don't find the stuff very expensive...
  4. Sammykins

    What is this? *pics* please help!

    Beyonce has developed this squishy bottom. She was recently broody, I had her in a broody breaker for 4 nights. She hasn't layed since. Although I swear I remember saying "oh beyonce gave us and egg!" A couple days ago. I'm not even sure anymore. I palpated the area and did not feel an egg...
  5. Sammykins

    Inury or Mareks? (video)

    The toes on her right foot look more like paralysis than an injury. Maybe take her in to the vet...could just be early stages...hard to say.
  6. Sammykins

    Eye Worm, Marek's, Mycoplasma... Cannot figure this swollen eye out.

    I asked her if the hatchery vaccinated them and he said she wasn't sure...I think you sometimes need to ask to have them vaccinated don't you? Or vaccinate day olds yourself. I feel like she would k ow if they were vaccinated....also, mine were all vaccinated for mareks and that didnt matter...
  7. Sammykins

    Eye Worm, Marek's, Mycoplasma... Cannot figure this swollen eye out.

    ...vaccinated and she asked if she should. I wanted to say, "do you vaccinate your children for polio?!" Lol so now I don't think hers are vaccinated. And I have to break the news to her soon. ****. No confirmation of definitive mareks yet from vet, waiting for tissue samples. It's taking forever.
  8. Sammykins

    Eye Worm, Marek's, Mycoplasma... Cannot figure this swollen eye out.

    That's awesome! I had one go like yours and the other four of my girls seem to be doing well. I am so scared of this mareks. It's terrible! Good luck!
  9. Sammykins

    Sudden chicken death

    Sounds like mareks a bit to hen did the same thing just closed her eyes and layed there, I had her euthanized and necropsy came back either mareks or leukosis. She was filled with tumours. Since your other one is exhibiting paralysis of some sort, maybe the mareks (if it's mareks) is...
  10. Sammykins

    Worms ! Help :(

    I gave mine 0.1 cc of ivermectin for worms and parasites. Seems to have worked. And that was directly my mouth so I knew they got it. Even though it was an adventure trying to get it in their beaks!
  11. Sammykins

    Chicks closing one eye

    did you figure out how to dose it?
  12. Sammykins

    What is causing my girls to die?! Marek's??

    Ok one more thing! Lol sorry! But adding them to my four chickens I have that have been exposed to mareks from my dead bird, the chicks won't be bringing mareks in, they will be exposed to mareks. So is that ok to do? Assuming that maybe some of the chicks will then become carriers?
  13. Sammykins

    What is causing my girls to die?! Marek's??

    Okay. So I don't have a rooster so eggs layed won't be from a marek mom. If I got fertilized eggs somewhere else or day olds and they were vaccinated would that be ok? Or will they not survive since not being born from a mom with mareks?
  14. Sammykins

    Possible Mareks or Avian Leukosis...Need some opinions please! :)

    I have been lucky about the vet situation. We have the university of Guelph here so we have an avian vet. Google avian vets in your area and see what it comes up with. My birds seem ok right now. Aside from sneezy mc sneeze and the open mouthed breather. She isn't going downhill like the other...
  15. Sammykins

    WHY are my birds sick!!!? Important please help!!

    So sorry you are going through this...I'm not sure but it sounds like coccidiosis. You gave corid so that's a good start and segregated the birds....I hope someone comes along to help you out. :(
  16. Sammykins

    Possible Mareks or Avian Leukosis...Need some opinions please! :)

    Hmm....I only noticed open mouthed breathing and then in the last days she would stand alone and close her eyes. She wanted to eat, but wouldn't. She would drink though a bit. Then her one wing drooped. That was when I knew something bad was going on. Mareks can show in so many different ways. I...
  17. Sammykins

    What is causing my girls to die?! Marek's??

    Thank you so much for saying these things. My birds have mareks or avian leukosis. So I am able to try to raise new vaccinated chicks into my mareks flock? If they are kept quarentined for a long time?
  18. Sammykins

    Possible Mareks or Avian Leukosis...Need some opinions please! :)

    What symptoms did your brahma show before she died?
  19. Sammykins

    Possible Mareks or Avian Leukosis...Need some opinions please! :)

    Ok. I am a new chicken owner. I bought 5 pullets from a lady who breeds. 5 different breeds. It was all a shock to me how much work they would be and how much I would worry! They were given to me with lice. (i noticed dirty bum) I treated with powder. I also dewormed them with Piperazine...
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