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  1. bluebirdfarm

    what r u reading right now ?

    Hi , i'm a librarian , ha ha i'm sure u couln't guess that one !!!!! and i want to start a thread of what book u r reading right now ?? i just finished the series of juvenile fiction by richard pullman , golden compass , silent knife and the amber spyglass, all great reading for youngesters and...
  2. bluebirdfarm

    swans and geese

    hi. we were in virginia this weekend and while out in our little skerry rowing we saw two swans and a LOT of wild geese , the first day one swan was with some geese and another was with a seperate gaggle of geese , the second day the two swans were together < LOL how cute was that , i did not...
  3. bluebirdfarm

    correctional center employees .................a shout out to ........

    does anyone here work at a correctional center ? i am contemplating a new position in a local one and I would be working in the Library , was just wondering what comments anyone has on the subject . I think I have a pretty good personality type for the job , LOL. I am easy going and not very...
  4. bluebirdfarm

    coyotes everywhere!

    We are having a BIG problem with coyotes this year. so far we have not lost any livestock , YET. I was out last pm , splitting a piece of wood for the fire , this was like 4 or 5 am and after acouple of whacks , i heard wuf , hoooooooooooooooooooooowwwlllllllllll, wuuf. damn coyote was only...
  5. bluebirdfarm

    hawk attack !!Close call for peace

    yesterday i was outside picking up walnuts and i heard a commotion , saw the chickens running and a hawk attacking one of them !!! i RAN AND SCREAMED ( OF COURSE THE HAWK IGNORED ME ) and he still kept after the white chicken Peace , I finally got to the site and saw a LOT of feathers ...
  6. bluebirdfarm

    real oyster shells

    Hi , after eating some fresh oysters , i came up with thebright idea to give the shells to my chickens. Especially since they are kinda run-bound because we had 6 inches of snow yesterday ,and they were inside all day. They really did not go too awful crazy over them , but they really liked the...
  7. bluebirdfarm


    how long er , does a girl store the roosters sperm , i mean if you had a roo and now don't how long could the eggs be fertile ?
  8. bluebirdfarm


    this is not for the faint of heart ! ewwwwwwwwwh! I have been battling rats for a week now, have been trappin and feeding( bait). I do "rat patrol " every am. I am having good success. But last pm , DH said , you snapped a rat in the pump room LOL i went to look for it and the whole trap and...
  9. bluebirdfarm

    green egg !

    hi , i got my first green egg yesterday ! i have two white EE's , on of them laid a pretty light green egg , she is a good girl ! They sure are funny looking , all of my others are brown eggers , i do have one NN that has green legs , her eggs have been light olive colored.
  10. bluebirdfarm

    first EGGS

    hi , my hens laid their first EGGS yesterday , they are about 17 weeks old , i have 20 , so no exactly sure aho did all the laying , but i did see one of the RIR in a nest box this am , i am soooooooooooooo happy . I got three eggs for my first egg !!!!!!
  11. bluebirdfarm

    beekeepers out there?

    Hi has anyone used apigaurd on their bee hives this year ? we medicated one of our 16 hives and the bees are hanging around the outrside of the hive and will only go inside at night and this seems strange to me. we have used other medication before ( cumaflos ) and this did not happen. just...
  12. bluebirdfarm

    my meat birds have gone bye bye( to the freezer)

    here is a piccy at about 6 weeks old.we had 104 and butchered 91 at 7 weeks old . the breasts are huge !!!! most of the birds weighed 5 pounds appx.
  13. bluebirdfarm

    for sale in west virginia

    108.2 acres with this cabin and 2 barns and another house that is unfinished(roughed in and has electric) very good mountain spring water listed mls ###1009658
  14. bluebirdfarm


    .... It was a small one and did not spray , it went away as i left to get the "varmit " gun, and of course it was gone when i returned. darn it ####**** now i have to beef up security > moral of this .................... do not forget to close the hen house. has anyone here ver used the auto...
  15. bluebirdfarm

    jumbo cornish XX D Day

    hi everyone, we butchered our jumbo cornish XX meat birds yesterday . they were 7 week old pullets we had 104 and ended up with 91 we had only 3-4 that were not a good size We were going to do the deed next week , but due to weather and help issues we did it a week early. I am very pleased...
  16. bluebirdfarm

    108 acre farm for sale in west virginia highlands!!

    this is one of the barns. we have 2 barns and 1 very small house. if anyone wnats more info , pm me. thanx
  17. bluebirdfarm

    what's your view?

    Well i am in a quandry . LSS we "loaned " a little piece of property to friends so they could build a cabin and enjoy the farm life with us ( they live out of town 6 hrs.) and they started building a kinda BIG house innthe smack middle of the farm and they di put in a road and 7 yrs later they...
  18. bluebirdfarm

    northern neck , virginia anybody ?????

    hey , we are moving to virginia , near the Bay , not sure where yet , but somewhere in the area of northern neck . We have a boat and are going to build a new one ! to live aboard! I can't wait , anyone near there ?
  19. bluebirdfarm

    silkie mania!!!

    Oh , I am MAD!!! i wanted to get soem silkies and someone nearby is GIVING away soem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But , just found out this week , i may be moving , actually i will be moving to virginia and can't take them with me ( i will get some when i get there !!!! LOL ) anyway , i just wanted to rant.
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