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  1. Mamaperreca

    Welsh Harlequin

    Ok. Yes, mine are now mating all the time. I guess they are still getting adjusted to their surroundings. We have eaten our duck eggs this week and we all like them. The kids think its awesome and request the "BIG" duck eggs over the chicken eggs.
  2. Mamaperreca

    Welsh Harlequin

    I have had my adult ducks for a little over a week now and they have started laying eggs! Yeah! I also didn't know that ducks only mate in the water, or at least mine do. Its pretty funny to watch them when you put new water in their pool. They go nuts and take a bath, mate, etc... But hooray...
  3. Mamaperreca

    Welsh Harlequin

    Joining you all. I just got 4 adult WH ducks today! THey are sweet! They are rehomed from a friend that couldn't have them in town anymore. :( Her loss, my gain. :) Anyway, couple of quick questions if you all don't mind? Will there be an adjustment period before they start laying (like...
  4. Mamaperreca

    Give me Ducks 101.

    Hey everyone. My DH has wanted ducks for a while now. By coincidence, a friend has to get rid of her 4 Welsh Harlequin ducks. So we are going to take them. So give me your best pointers and tips on Ducks. My first question being? Can I feed my ducks chicken layer food? They will also be...
  5. Mamaperreca

    WILD chicken!

    Sorry for your ordeal. But that was seriously hilarious. Our first chicken tractor didn't have a human door so when it was butcher time for our meat birds we had to crawl in to get them. Can you say poor design? LOL! Anyway, 3 birds escaped, husband tried to catch them. We had to wait until they...
  6. Mamaperreca

    Mamaperrecas Page

    Our chicken adventure started Spring of 2010. We got a batch of "Pan Fry Specials" from the local farm store. After 3-4 months of growing them out we finally got to butcher weight. We wanted to free range our birds but predator numbers prohibit that. Our solution for this was the chicken...
  7. Mamaperreca

    anyone fed spent beer grain?

    We don't have Guinea yet, but I have fed this to our chickens. THey loved it and had no problem with it. It was just from a single batch of beer brewed. There was maybe a gallon of grain? Not sure the exact quantity but they ate it in one day.
  8. Mamaperreca

    Raccoons but what else is coming around?

    ...but my fault. What would have climbed a six foot fence and taken 4 birds? No feathers anywhere, a few tiny drops of blood in the coop (could have been one a coon killed) but the others? What could have taken them like that over the fence? **edited to remove profanity and censor bypassing**
  9. Mamaperreca

    Cloth Diapering

    In fact I highly recommend that you go to That's BGs actual website and if you signup for their newsletter you get emails when they put their seconds on sale which is a KILLER way to save money! I second this! I have bought many seconds from BG and they were all wonderful...
  10. Mamaperreca

    Cloth Diapering

    HI all. I am currently expecting baby number 4 so I have quite a bit of experience with cloth diapers. For newborns that you have to change about every 2 hours (in the beginning) the best way I have found is prefolds with covers. They are the cheapest and you can have a lot of diapers on...
  11. Mamaperreca

    Am I looking at two boys?

    Easter eggers can be really slow to getting a comb even boys, but I agree that i think they are both girls. The first one has a bit longer tail but the feathers in the saddle area still look round to me and not pointy and long like a roo.
  12. Mamaperreca

    So the house appraised exactly the same amount we bought it for. What?

    This is very very typical. An appraisal is always required for a mortgage. Your mortgage is coming from a bank or lender and that is who is requiring the appraisal. The appraisal needs to meet or exceed the price you are buying it for. The appraisal is not to protect you, it is the bank making...
  13. Mamaperreca

    2 eggs in one day- saw it myself- is she in danger??

    Super weird. I had this exact same thing happen today. So I only have 4 hens laying right now. Since my flock is so small I know which eggs each hen lays. They all look slightly different. I was getting 4 eggs a day and Tuesday I only got 2. Today I got 3 in the morning and when I went out...
  14. Mamaperreca

    Is my Coop Big enough?

    Oh yeah that should be plenty big enough. Since you have the nesting boxes sticking to the outside it gives your coop even more floor space inside not taken up by that. Are you going to attach a enclosed run to it for them to get outside?
  15. Mamaperreca

    Black Copper Maran Roosters - 4 months old

    I have two Black Copper Maran Roosters that I would like to find homes for. They are gentle and have been handled by my kids. Local pick in the Kansas City area only. I just have a small flock but I got these birds from a BYC member that has great birds. I can give more specific information in...
  16. Mamaperreca

    New rollout nest design Picture heavy-edited 1/21

    Opa thanks so much for your plans. We built new boxes because we were having the egg eating problem. It took our hens about 3 weeks to finally start laying in them. We didn't have nest pads available so we lined the box at the collection point with an old towel stapled in. We made a steeper...
  17. Mamaperreca

    *** I Got A Broody! ***

    You can swap out some of her eggs. Take out some of hers and replace with the BR eggs. She will probably get mad at you but you might be able to do it at night or when she steps off to get a drink.
  18. Mamaperreca

    meat bird feeding question

    We feed 24/7 and haven't had a problem with it. I would not light the coop artificially. Usually birds don't eat in the dark so that should slow them down at night and naturally give you the 12 on/12 off scenario.
  19. Mamaperreca

    When Butchering - will my hens know what's going on?

    Well I will be a voice of disagreement I guess. My husband butchered some chickens, dual purpose/barred rocks/RIR, in front of the rest of the flock and they freaked out. After that when he went down toward the coop they would start flapping and making warning noises. So they definitely...
  20. Mamaperreca

    Processed 2 meaties- what did I do wrong?

    I never worry about the small bits like lung material. It cooks away and doesn't effect the taste. I get out all I can and call it good. For the vent area I prefer super sharp kitchen shears and I cut a circle and take the whole vent area off. Yes, I still have to pull stuff loose but it makes...
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