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  1. ChickenfootDuckbutt

    Agricultural simulator game 2011?

    Has anyone seen/heard of/played this?? I saw it in walmart, and it looks pretty cool, I was going to get it for myself for xmas lol, but it's 20$ and I'm a bit low on money this month. I've tried looking up reviews about it, but can't find anything. I don't want to get it, upload it, then find...
  2. ChickenfootDuckbutt

    I got suckered, picking HIM up next week :O *pic*

    Yeah, I just got suckered, BIG time I'm picking THIS up next week A friend of friend of my sister saved him ffrom supposedly being used as python food as a kitten His name is Bastian, he is a random cat x random cat looks like a Russian blue but has very siamese-ish features. he's 6...
  3. ChickenfootDuckbutt

    cats eating red clay? O_o

    There's probably a VERY simple answer to this, like the salt or something. but lately here it's been rainy, this area is know for red clay. so the bottoms/sides of my boots are covered in it. I noticed about a week or so ago, my youngest cat, Harren, looked like she was sniffing my boots, ok...
  4. ChickenfootDuckbutt

    Woot! it's finished!-The Wolven kind-Dark Skies

    Ok, I know I had another story post, I am currently working on two xD, along with the warriors cats story (which I'm thinking of scraping for now), I am also in the middle of writing another story based on this one..years ago I had written the pre-curser to this one in school, basically it was...
  5. ChickenfootDuckbutt

    Just a laid back kitty, or something else?

    I have this kitten, I don't mention her much because *cough* I'm not supposed to be keeping her I told myself no more than two cats in the house, but she's going on 4ish months old and hasn't gone anywhere , I've had her since she was about 14-20 days old, I bottle fed her and her sister. Her...
  6. ChickenfootDuckbutt

    I'm writing a story ^.^ got my characters done (pics)

    ...short on time(gotta go to a friends), SO for right now I will list the cats in Stormclan as well as the pics I made for them. Shoop shoop-a doop! *poofs*...
  7. ChickenfootDuckbutt

    Tiger Canyons-John Varty

    Has anyone heard of/seen these documentaries?? I saw it for the first time on Nat. Geo early one morning a few weeks ago, and have since watched a few clips on you-tube. I must say, I am torn, while I truely admire what this man does, and would LOVE to do this one day, HOWEVER, I see alot of...
  8. ChickenfootDuckbutt

    7 pound cat + Twin bed= cat needing INTIRE bed? me like "I stealed this, is mine now " Oh, Emry I love you so, but..GET UP! oh well, at least there will be a warm spot IMPORTANT NOTICE: *Insert loud annoying beeing and creepy Mechanical voice here* This post was a product of Intense sleepless Boredom and is not subject to the...
  9. ChickenfootDuckbutt

    Am I the only one who thinks my friend is crazy for this? *dog based*

    I'll try to make this as short an explaination as possible, lol Bascally, it's been about 2 1/2 weeks since this happened, so I never really bothered to ask about it, anyways. Basically back at the beginning of the month/late last month a friend of mine's Fiance went out one morning to let...
  10. ChickenfootDuckbutt

    Advice for my cousin on her cat.

    As usual I have been un-willingly volunteered to help someone My cousin has asked me (since she knows I'm the cat person) to help her with her cat, but I am at a loss on this one cause everything I know about cat's goes AGAINST this cats behavior... ANYWAY, my cousin has a 3 1/2 year old...
  11. ChickenfootDuckbutt

    Yellow wild minnows? is that even possible?

    So I was taking a walk either before the rain set in, and about a quarter mile behind my property there is a creek. I go back their quite frequently, because it's not "owned" by anyone, it's just open land, wild-ness anyways, set back from the creek about 4 feet is a natural stretch with water...
  12. ChickenfootDuckbutt

    Munchkin cats?

    I have been a long-time lover of Munchkin cats, have wanted one ever since I was 9 when I first saw a man who had one and was walking it in a harness at the local park. he was such a sweet kitty too, not scared at all, but I fell in love I've decided recently that I want to get one in the...
  13. ChickenfootDuckbutt

    Processing Squirrel for cat consumption?

    Before anyone gets started I would like to state that I DO understand the risks of parasites and fleas/mites ect. A friend of mine called me just 10 minutes ago, and asked if I would a squirrel he had JUST accidentally hit (since I feed my cats squirrel when I can get it), and since the guy...
  14. ChickenfootDuckbutt

    Kitten poo, normal, suddenly runny?

    SO I have this kitten, named Harren, who I bottle fed along with her sister since they were 2 weeks old, and her sister has since found a home, but I've decided to keep Harren. she is now about 10 1/2 weeks old. anyways, she was raised on RAW diet, so that she wouldb't have issues eating with...
  15. ChickenfootDuckbutt

    My kitties Paint and Emry *UPDATE! W/PICS*

    I haven't been on here in a while, been having some problems including a broken leg, and various other health issues including a lump that came up in my ear in which I am still waiting for the results as to what it is...anyway... So since I haven't been here in a while, and my friend popped by...
  16. ChickenfootDuckbutt

    Wild chickens on my property! *UPDATE!!!*

    I haven't been on here in a while, so i figure I'd update you all on the brood of wild chicks and the momma hen that showed up on my property a little over 2 months ago.. there are just 6 of the original 20 chicks left, I have what look like 2 roosters and 4 hens out of those, the mother...
  17. ChickenfootDuckbutt

    Wild chicken on my property! has chicks, what to do?,if anything?

    I'm quite surprised, to say the least!!! I was outside refilling my cats water container on my porch, the ducks were off somewhere else on the property so it was quiet, except for a few frogs singing because of the storm blowing in, but as I listened, I heard something else, it sounded like...
  18. ChickenfootDuckbutt

    Kitten name suggestions? *MORE PICS*

    I'm having a hard time deciding on names for the two little kittens I'll be picking up from a friend next week, right now, she's named them Luna and Boo, but I want to change thier names.I haven't even been able to meet them yet This is "Luna", from what Casey says she's got a bit of an...
  19. ChickenfootDuckbutt

    Look what I'm picking up next week (kitten pics ADDED)

    This is where I should quite literally be ing but i've been sucked into my love of cats, yet again. after my trip to Ohio ended in bringing back no kittens, because both of my mom's friends momma cats somehow ended up at the shelter where she works, she brought them home where they were...
  20. ChickenfootDuckbutt

    MY STORY-The wolven kind, Dark skys-tell me what ya think

    The wolves of yellow stone have always run strong, many generations of four packs have now been cut to two, two packs, two brave leaders, now face a different challenge, wolves are being hunted, not as prey, not as enemies, but as trophies, for generations the packs have lived in peace away from...
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