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  1. Haazegirl

    Cool start to incubating? my son took all the Un-refrigerated eggs and started the incubator. I noticed yesterday the temp was a little low when candling them, around 92*. There seems to maybe be growth, but it's hard to tell with brown eggs. Could they be slow growing? These were our egg chickens, New Hampshire...
  2. Haazegirl

    Possible Allergy to Duck Eggs??

    Everyone reacts differently when sensitivities are involved. I can eat duck and goose eggs, but not chicken. There is a boy we know who is opposite and can only eat chicken eggs. Listen to your body. I would try an isolated test sometime when I'm not too busy and avoid eating the main 8 allergen...
  3. Haazegirl

    building a rabbit hutch

    Guess I was hoping to have it done when I showed everything. However here's the in progress pic. There are some tin panels on the roof now, and we'll need to enclose the sides now that it's getting colder, but you get the idea. I think the cages were built for showing geese, we put some flooring...
  4. Haazegirl

    Anybody Breeding Silver Fox rabbits

    Sure, they put out an article like that just after we stop getting the magazine! We're building a house and don't have time to get through them anymore.
  5. Haazegirl

    Anybody Breeding Silver Fox rabbits

    Welcome, you're going faster than I am! We just got our first doe for mating, I was going to wait until next year for our first litter. They are great show rabbits, but I was also wondering what to do with them if they don't sell. We'll take them to shows trying to sell them, and put ads in the...
  6. Haazegirl

    Doe Rabbit Screams and Runs at Buck in Cage?

    Thanks, she's 3 months old. When we got our angora buck he was supposed to be 4 months old and you could definitely tell! He was ready to rock, and bred with 2 does who had a total of 21 kits! I hope she's not a late bloomer in disguise! Is there anything more you can tell me about alpha...
  7. Haazegirl

    Doe Rabbit Screams and Runs at Buck in Cage?

    We just got our 3rd rabbit and she's the first doe we've ever gotten. We have a silver fox buck that we plan on breeding her with next year for show bunnies. Today we were cleaning out cages, and moving things around. My son hooked her up to a leash and went outside for some hopping around time...
  8. Haazegirl

    building a rabbit hutch

    I have silver foxes. Just picked up our first doe for breeding. Have had a buck for over a year. I have cage envy since I'm trying to get my big set of cages outside. We might just have to put up four posts and a roof for now.
  9. Haazegirl

    Eating duck eggs because of chicken egg allergies

    Yeah! Glad to find another lucky ducky! I don't know why it works for some and not others, but I thought it was worth the risk to find out and you must have too! I eat mine with runny yolks, and I have found a good duck egg mayonnaise recipe here...
  10. Haazegirl

    Anybody Breeding Silver Fox rabbits

    Hi there. Our buck is not blue, nor do I think the doe that we will get is. I just found out one of the 2 show in our area is on the same day as my son's tae kwon do tournament. I guess he's going to have to choose between rabbits and martial arts. Too bad martial arts is going to win. Thanks...
  11. Haazegirl

    pink egg layers

    I had the chantecler, but crossed with an americauna, I bet she's the one! There is no rhyme or reason to it though. We got them often, but not everyday. I chalk it up to one of those weird combinations of diet, activity, and breed.
  12. Haazegirl

    Anybody Breeding Silver Fox rabbits

    You guys seem to be pretty experienced with Silver Foxes, and super helpful for advice (if you're still around here posting). I have a buck and I'd like to know if he's good for show, and how to do it. The sire won 4 legs, we just bought him for 4H. He got a blue ribbon, but no purple as a...
  13. Haazegirl

    Goat House/Pen Ideas

    We are thinking of goats too. All we have is a barn in dire need of restoration and a couple random buildings that also need replacing. I'd like to see other peoples goat set up. Interested in Nigerian Dwarf dairy and possibly angoras.
  14. Haazegirl

    Possible Allergy to Duck Eggs??

    Heh, guess we should start a mom's who farm blog... We raise conventional crops, but grow our homestead all organic. Total hypocrites! I write my advice in assumption that people experiencing these problems are one of 90% of the population who aren't accustomed to strange diets and why you can't...
  15. Haazegirl

    Possible Allergy to Duck Eggs??

    It's always good to figure things out! Glad I could help!
  16. Haazegirl

    Possible Allergy to Duck Eggs??

    Well, it's safe to say you have an allergy to duck eggs if you're mouth swells with vomiting! Those are classic symptoms. When you have pain in your stomach after chicken eggs, I might say it's an intolerance. Proteins are the cause of allergies. However a lot of people react to the sulfur in...
  17. Haazegirl

    Eating duck eggs because of chicken egg allergies

    Not sure exactly, but I would guess 2 weeks. It depends on how sensitive they are too. My son is allergic to oats, they are in our feed, and he doesn't react to the duck or goose eggs. In season they lay an egg everyday, so I would guess that 2 weeks would be fine. I think I talked with someone...
  18. Haazegirl

    What breeds lay pink eggs?

    Wish I could tell you, I also don't know what a bantam OEHG is. There's always that one chicken that stands out and can never be replaced. Our group of gals are now considered senior citizens in chicken years. Bought some chicks last weekend for the county fair, and I have some coming in April.
  19. Haazegirl

    How do you get geese and/or ducks to lay in nest boxes?

    I have 2mutt geese that we kept for eggs. They have been laying fairly often, but only once in the nest box. They bury them pretty good in the coop bedding or in a nasty little place off the side of the barn. What are their habits for laying? Can I put out fake eggs like with chickens? Will it...
  20. Haazegirl

    Angora Rabbit Bunnies in Southern MN

    Oh and if you have any advice on how to market/sell angora bunnies it would be helpful. I'm trying to help my friend sell the ones she doesn't want to keep for fiber production.
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