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  • Users: McReynolds
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  1. M


    Hi So I scrubbed out my small wooden hen hose with soapy water then later sprayed till it was soaked with Nettex Ready-To-Use Total Mite Kill Liquid Spray that has permethrin but today i went to inspect and still seem mites on the eggs and a few on the roof, does it take time to work our did i...
  2. M

    Red mites just wont go away

    Past 2 weeks I have cleared out hen house sprayed with soapy water gave hens red stop solution in water for 14 days running which is ment to make there blood taste bad and yesterday cleared out and scrubed hen house and sprayed with barrer red mite x concentrate that's ment to imobilize and kill...
  3. M

    Red stop solution

    Hi So I think I had messaged about this last week , but update last week I started hens on red stop solution, before I started them on this I didn't see any evidence of mites was just a incase sort of treatment, but a few days ago I started to see them in the coops so I cleared out the hen...
  4. M

    Mites on my hands

    Hi I started treating hens with red stop solution 4 days ago since then in have noticed mites on my hands hours after I have been out with chickens , is this just the mites coming to me cuz the hens don't taste good anymore?
  5. M

    Yellow on egg shell

    Have four barred rock hens not a uear old yet got 3 eggs today and a small smeer of yellow on them no sign of another egg our wet patch in coop and no evidence of preditor, what's happened?
  6. M

    Red bald patch on chickens breest in middle

    Hi I have 4 barred rock hens bought then as pullets September last year they lay a egg each nearly every day even over winter buts past month our so I notice a small bald patch in the middle lower part of breast skin is redy pink, what is this, is this broodyness our a mite problem , they don't...
  7. M

    Egg eatting thin shelled eggs

    I posted earlier in year about 4 hens only laying 2 eggs I wormed hens about a month our so ago these day I get one got hard shelled egg and two eggs hens have eaten, the 2 eggs that are eaten the shells are brown in colour just feel a bit more brittle . I feed hens layer feed and provide...
  8. M

    Let hens roam free

    Have a relatively large garden hedged on 3 sides but not hen proff and is of the road by about 600meters is it OK to let hens out during the day to freely roam , just planted a hedge and have to new flower beds just worried either fox will get them they will run away our they will eat all my...
  9. M

    Egg eating

    Recently had a question about 2 of my hens laying thin eggs now I caught a hen in the act laying a egg and quickly pecking it to eat it I lifted egg it was brittle but held its shape not as tough as you would expect but not soft , what do I do? If I get then to lay better shelled eggs will it...
  10. M

    2 hens laying thin eggs

    2 of my hens are now laying brittle eggs when I come to collect inside is eaten, leaving just one other strong shelled egg not touched, I give layer feed and offer oyster shells past few days have put flubenvet wormer in to feed, would that cause thin eggs? Any other tips to improve shell...
  11. M

    White worm in poop

    Found single white worn in just one of the poops worm not moving, have 4 hens , what is the best natural affective way to deworm? Our do I need to use drugs , also past few weeks have put apple cider in there water , any advice would be brilliant,
  12. M

    Additional calcium

    I already feed egg shells back to hens finely crushed , is this enough additional calcium, one of my hens is laying brittle eggs other hen that's laying egg is good other 2 hens not laying at moment , not sure of hens age as was given them , all have bright red combs and are lively and look...
  13. M

    Origano and apple cider

    I put a small amount of apple cider in the water and mix dried origano in to hens feed , do either of these have any benifits our is it just a waste of money? Is there any other cost affective suppliers I should be giving hens
  14. M

    Soft egg

    Have four hybrid hens that were given to me, think there about 2 years old every so often I get a smashed soft shelled egg, coop kept clean plenty of water and calcuim offered and no preditors. Anything else I can do that would cure this and encourage laying?
  15. M

    Help 1 Hen has yellow crust round bottom of wattle and another has dirty bum

    New to keeping hens got 4 hens in September at this point only getting 2 eggs per day, is this less our normal amount for time of year? Also just notices one of my hens has yellow crust on wattle hen is active and eatting well should I be concerned? Also one of my hens came to me with a dirty...
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