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  • Users: 19Chicks
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  1. 19Chicks

    Mycoplasma! Killed the chickens, but how to take care of the run?

    We had 3 birds that had mycoplasma. We got them from a swap. So we killed the 3 and now we are cleaning up. We are vacuuming their run and washing everything. Any tips for cleaning? Should I burn the stuff we have in there (things they hide behind and perch on)? My main question is, how long...
  2. 19Chicks

    Please help ASAP! Dead chicken!

    What do I do with the body? We have to wait until Monday to call the vet. I'd like them to test it to see why it happened. Please help. We don't want it to rot or anything. It's our first chicken death.
  3. 19Chicks


    The chicks are acting fine and we know which one is pooping blood, if she is the only one. What do I treat them with? Should I separate the one?
  4. 19Chicks

    Taking older chickens to get slaughtered

    I forget what it's called but they charge $3 to slaughter one chicken. We will be getting rid of about 25 next year, but we want to make sure that they will be killed humanely. I have read that cutting the head off completely is the most humane it will get. Slitting the throat so they will bleed...
  5. 19Chicks

    Please help! Chicken wont eat! Think it has worms.

    Yesterday, we noticed one of my black sex-link hens in the nesting box not moving and kept shutting her eyes. When I picked her up, I noticed her bottom stomach area was swollen. I though it was egg bound, but couldn't feel an egg. So now we think it has worms. She is sleeping inside and is...
  6. 19Chicks

    Is this worms?

    My black sex link hen has been acting strange. It keeps closing its eyes, not moving much, and its bottom looks swollen. I thought it could be egg bound or worms. If it isn't worms, any ideas? Please help! I don't want to lose her.
  7. 19Chicks

    Think one of my black sex link hens is dying

    This hen isn't moving much, keeps closing her eyes, and she is breathing slowly. Any idea on what to do? She won't drink much or eat either. We just noticed this today.
  8. 19Chicks

    What is this? Two pimple-like bumps on hens back.

    My Rhode Island hen has two bumps on her back. I don't know if they are feathers trying to come in or what. Please help! Anybody know what it is? Should I cover it with anything? Her back is pretty much bare and raw looking. The rooster has been gone for about a month and we thought...
  9. 19Chicks

    What is this breed? Jersey Giant, Maran, or Australorp?

    We bought four chickens from a woman who didn't really know what they are. She said they could be crosses of Maran or Australorp. Now we hear they could be Jersey Giants (which we don't want). The middle picture (full black) has yellow feet. We have two full blacks and two with color...
  10. 19Chicks

    Should I get rid of my rooster?

    My rooster isn't agressive towards people at all. However, I will see him try to get on top of the hens all of the time and many of them are getting hurt. So far, we have 5 hens in chicken saddles. We need three more for others! We have 7 younger chickens, like 19 weeks old, and the rooster has...
  11. 19Chicks

    Minute Maid Grape Punch

    So I have two cartons of expired minute maid grape juice! Sodium is 15 mg and 24g of Sugar. Is it safe to let my chickens drink it? Thanks!
  12. 19Chicks

    Putting mouse trap in coop while chickens sleep

    I have a mouse that has been leaving droppings that is inside the coop. I put three mouse traps with peanut butter outside so far, and only one mouse got killed by one. I don't know how many mice we have, but I am only seeing one in the coop at night so far. I was wondering, could I put a mouse...
  13. 19Chicks

    Most friendly hen turning mean/defensive. What to do?

    My New Hampshire hen was the most friendly of them all. She was the one to jump on a perch just to be held. Now, she has become mean and defensive. She is always laying in her hen box, where they lay eggs. She took the most used one to herself, and she never leaves it! I have to pick her up and...
  14. 19Chicks

    Rehab for a hen indoors

    What should I avoid or use? What temperature should it be inside? In another post, I described an injured bird. I sprayed salt water and put vaseline on it. As we were cleaning her, we noticed that the wound was worse than we thought. It extends up towards the neck! Now, I would like it to stay...
  15. 19Chicks

    Injured Hen. Possibly be from rooster. What to do?

    In my coop, I noticed a good amount of blood the other day. I did a chicken count, all here. So then I searched for who is injured. I am pretty sure it is one of my black-sex link hens. She is my roosters favorite, which leads me to believe that he could of done it. I have a picture of the...
  16. 19Chicks

    Extremely shy and antisocial Brahma hen.

    In a flock of 18 (yes I know 19Chicks is the name but got rid of a mean Easter Egger rooster!), we have a very shy and timid Brahma hen. She is about 7 months old and the only hen that we see her actually sticking with is her sister Brahma! We have 3 Brahmas and our other one is the rooster of...
  17. 19Chicks

    Will foxes attack/kill outdoor cats?

    Sorry that this question isn't really for chickens, but it is for our outdoor cats who kill the mice that get in our coop! We have 4 outdoor cats, which do an excellent job at killing mice. We currently have NO mice at all in the coop and we would like it to stay that way. Now, we have foxes in...
  18. 19Chicks

    Is it okay to have one Silkie hen and one Silkie rooster with no other hens?

    A lady that sells Silkies is willing to give us a pair (one rooster and one hen) for $40. I was wondering if that is okay for a rooster to have only one hen? She won't sell additional hens. They are all paired by rooster and hen. They all look alike too and even stay together.
  19. 19Chicks

    Roosters or Hens? Please Help!

    This is a 17 week Brahma! This is a 16 week Rhode Island Red! This is a 16 week Black Sex-Link! If you need better pictures, let me know. We wanted ALL hens but we know for sure we have at least one, I didnt show his picture because it is obvious he is. He is crowing but these...
  20. 19Chicks

    Rooster mean to hens but nice to people

    We have an Easter Egger rooster who is about 15 weeks old (along with the other 18 chickens). He may be the only rooster, we are not sure if one of my Brahmas is (will have to post a picture soon). Anyway, he doesnt bother people. He doesnt seem to care for us, he just stands back, but he hurts...
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