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  1. theuglyduckling

    Naked neck rooster or pullet?

    I think it's a rooster because I ordered two from ideal but I just wanted to make sure it's really a roo.
  2. theuglyduckling

    Will rat poison kill mongoose?

    I have a mongoose that keeps coming around the chicken coop/run at night and eating and killing crabs around the property. I decided to put rat poison in a kennel that he digs a hole to get to. He at at least a cup ful yesterday night and last night. How much poison gets rid of them? I was kind...
  3. theuglyduckling

    BR or CM

    When is the best age to tell if a chick is a BR or CM. I currently have four mystery chicks that i got from Ideal that are either one of those breeds. I know they arent domaniques because they dont have a rose comb. They chicks were hatched on 7/24.
  4. theuglyduckling

    Broody killed her chick

    Today is day 19for my broodys chicks. When i went out today to fee d the chickens i checked on the broody and saw that a chick had started to hatch. I didnt get a close look at it but i wanted to leave the brood alone so i left and came back 20 minutes later and saw some blood on the broods...
  5. theuglyduckling

    Solar-Powered Hot Wire

    Hi, I'm interested in knowing whether anyone here has solar-powered hot wire on their fencing. How does it work? Is it reliable/cost-efficient? I'm concerned about predators entering through holes in the fencing at night, but I'd like to make my security measures as self-sustainable as...
  6. theuglyduckling

    vote for albert 2016! :D

    he beat a rigged egg production system. are you ready to vote? lol. please take this post lightly and laugh :D
  7. theuglyduckling

    grilling a turkey

    this year i will have to cook my turkey over a grill/firepit i dont know what you would call it. its a fire pit that i made and i have partially cooked a pork shoulder on it but it started to rain so i had to finish it in the oven. i havent cooked anything as big as a turkey on an open fire so i...
  8. theuglyduckling


  9. theuglyduckling

    ideal poultry sending to puerto rico...

    i ordered 10 chicks online from ideal poultry and they will be sending them to puerto rico. i was wondering if anyone thinks they will survive. i did write in the invoice to add in any extra packing peanuts. do you think most will survive or will i open a box of dead chicks?
  10. theuglyduckling

    chickens or ducks for meat?

    i want to raise birds for meat, but i am not sure which to choose chickens or ducks? i want to raise which ever is cheapest. i noticed from watching videos that ducks seem to grow faster than chickens but do they eat more than chickens? chickens depending on which breed grow just as fast or...
  11. theuglyduckling

    what kind of chick is this?

    yesterday i went to the feed store and bought 26 of them. i asked for pullets and they said these were pullets. i think they may be sex link chicks but im not positive. here are some pictures:
  12. theuglyduckling

    neighbors dog

    my neighbors dog which is a basset hound keeps coming in my yard. they use to have it closed up in a run but he made a hole and now they just keep it outside on their closed in patio area, but this dog is still escaping that. we have asked them tie it up, but it still comes around. i have tried...
  13. theuglyduckling

    wisdom tooth removal

    On Saturday I went to get my top left wisdom tooth removed, but all I was given was a numbing injection because thats all my insurance covered. Well I was wondering how the pain during the removal process was for others. When the dentist gave me the injection he didn't even wait a minute or two...
  14. theuglyduckling

    Tropical Storm Chantal

    Hello, I'm in Puerto Rico and at 2 a.m. it is suppose to hit here. Is there anyone else who is going to get hit by this too?
  15. theuglyduckling


    problem was solved.
  16. theuglyduckling

    This forum is the best forum I have ran into and I'm going to stick to it!

    So I have realized that this forum is the greatest forum for animal questions or help. I have used other sites mostly just yahoo answers and the people on there I have concluded are just ignorant and rude. They don't seem to read the full story or question on anything you post. Just recently...
  17. theuglyduckling

    Eczema Help

    Sorry, but it is kinda a long post. So I have eczema on my hands and it drives me crazy. So far luckily it has only stayed on my hands and spreads no where else. My right hand has it worse than my left hand. I can't touch any soap without it flaring up and it is really aggravating. I can not...
  18. theuglyduckling

    EE and D'Uccle

    What would one look like if you bred the two together? Would it be a good layer? Would it be feather legged or clean legged? Post pictures if you have a EE and D'Uccle mix I'd love to see it!
  19. theuglyduckling

    Help me pleeease.

    I need help finding hatcheries in Puerto Rico. Or help telling me how I can order chicks from hatcheries in the states. I have looked at this site which tells me what I need to do in order to get chicks from the...
  20. theuglyduckling

    Hi, from Puerto Rico:)

    Hello I'm a new member here, but not exactly new to the site. I bumped into the site a few months ago and have been visiting it more and more often. I have five hens and three roosters. I'm pretty sure they are Black Breasted Red Kraienkoppes because the roosters (except for one) and the hens...
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