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  1. chillinCTchick

    Golden Sebrite - poor egg layers?

    Here is Cameron, my poor egg layer NOT! She actually lays more often than my RIRs. And her eggs almost weigh as much as she does! Go figure...
  2. chillinCTchick

    Golden Sebrite - poor egg layers?

    I don't know where or how this fact came about sebrites being poor egg layers. Not only does my golden sebrite Cameron lay nearly everyday, but her egg size is significant in comparison to her body size. Here are her eggs from the past 7 days with an egg from one of my Rhode Island Reds (just to...
  3. chillinCTchick

    day old chick falling over/can't keep balance

    Thanks for everybody's advice. She actually passed away this morning without an intervention. I feel lucky that I did not have to do anything, because I honestly probably couldn't have. I know it's the humane thing, but I have issues (I get squeamish, weak and shaky) with doing these things...
  4. chillinCTchick

    day old chick falling over/can't keep balance

    I have the same exact problem with one of mine. After giving up almost all hope, it seemed to improve some. Unfortunately it is now back to square one 24 hrs later. She is about 2 days old. Help!
  5. chillinCTchick

    Eye infection and not feeling well

    Ok. So what do I give him for his eye?
  6. chillinCTchick

    Eye infection and not feeling well

    The eye problem seems to come and go, but his vision definitely seems slightly impaired as he's bumped into things in the past few days. I will try the sulmet as soon as I can get some. It seems to in very high demand and stores are out of stock around here.
  7. chillinCTchick

    cutest chicken names!

    That's got to be one of the cutest chickens ever! Silver? Pewter? Bullet? Colonel or Kernel? Rocky? Smokey? Sparky?
  8. chillinCTchick

    Eye infection and not feeling well

    Thanks. It turns out that I didn't need to do anything. Whatever was wrong actually cleared up in just over 24 hours. Chester's eye looks great (back to normal) and he's not coughing. Back in his usual high spirits and literally jumping for grapes, I'm very happy that my rooster is healthy again!
  9. chillinCTchick

    Eye infection and not feeling well

    My rooster's left eye looked cloudy, oozy and crusty for the last couple of days. Yesterday he started making a coughing noise and became quite lethargic. He was even turning down his favorite treat..grapes!!! Today he seems a little better, but the heat of the day hasn't hit yet. His left eye...
  10. chillinCTchick

    intergrating 2 flocks, help

    Thanks. They made it through the night and seem to be ok with each other.
  11. chillinCTchick

    intergrating 2 flocks, help

    I also already got an egg from the little rooster-looking chicken. That answers my other question.
  12. chillinCTchick

    intergrating 2 flocks, help

    Now that it's 9:30pm and really dark out (not to mention coyotes and raccoons) I can't really do anything. All 3 are in a closed up (chain link) pen with an open coop inside for the night. I hope no predators can get in. I will cross my fingers and hope there is no blood shed in the morning.
  13. chillinCTchick

    Please help identify breed (and gender?) of my Miracle Bird :)

    Got 2 new chickens today. I was told they are both hens, but I have serious doubts about the little one. It looks like a rooster and acts fearless even attacking my older rooster. Can anyone tell me what gender it is? Maybe someone can even tell me what breed it is. We think it might be a cross...
  14. chillinCTchick

    intergrating 2 flocks, help

    I need advice on my new situation. I've had a rooster for little more than a week and he adjusted quite well. Today I got 2 more chickens. I was told they are both hens, but I have serious doubts. One looks and acts very much like a little rooster. I introduced them and the small rooster-looking...
  15. chillinCTchick

    cutest chicken names!

    That's really cute. I love it!
  16. chillinCTchick

    cutest chicken names!

    I have a few ideas of my own and some suggestions from family/friends. My ideas: Shadow (for a dark breed) Campbell (think chicken noodle soup) Starbuck Apollo Skyler Quincy Lincoln Pecker Chicklet (obviously a hen's name) Quiche Drumstick Seven Spencer Woody I've already used: Omelet Ginger...
  17. chillinCTchick

    Can you help identify this breed and gender

    Sorry. I'm having a difficult time trying to figure out who is responding to who in this thread. Thanks for the info.
  18. chillinCTchick

    Can you help identify this breed and gender

    Maybe a top view would be helpful. Any id on my rooster (Chester)?
  19. chillinCTchick

    Can you help identify this breed and gender

    Thanks. Now I need to find out the breed.
  20. chillinCTchick

    Can you help identify this breed and gender

    Can anyone identify the breed and gender of my new chicken? We think it is about 4 months old.
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