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  1. elaines03

    Micro Mites or what?

    Several of my girls have raw looking bottoms and chest areas. And the tail feathers are almost gone and gone completely on few. We've checked for mites/lice on them and in the coop but did not see anything. I've put DE on them and in the coop. I've attached a few pictures. Does anyone have...
  2. elaines03

    For the new folks that haven't experienced a molt yet.

    My chickens are looking like this too but they also have bald spots on their chest area and back area where the tail feathers start that look real red and raw. Is that part of molting? How long does molting last. Seems it's been going on for months. Our girls were a year old in March.
  3. elaines03

    tiny egg

    thanks, I was just afraid she might be sick or something.
  4. elaines03

    tiny egg

    I have 9 chickens that have been laying for about 9 months. Today one of the eggs is so small it looks like a bird egg. What could be wrong. Even when they first starting laying the eggs were never this small..
  5. elaines03

    eggs with pimples? question about eggs looking weird. .. help..

    Anyone know what these bumps are caused by? The hen just started laying them like this.
  6. elaines03

    Chicken egg sizes and colors.

    No wounds that we could tell of and no swollen abdomen. We haven't seen any snakes on our property either. And our property is fenced in. So if something tried to get in the run not sure what it would have been. I'm leaning towards "egg bound". She was one of my Easter Eggs (we have three)...
  7. elaines03

    Chicken egg sizes and colors.

    Yes in the 90's
  8. elaines03

    Chicken egg sizes and colors.

    I am so sad and confused. I went out at 6 to check and see if we had any eggs, found one. All my girls (10) looked fine and I was petting all of them. 3 hours later I go out to give them a treat and one is dead inside the coop. I keep them in a chicken run so no dog, raccoon or critter could...
  9. elaines03

    Chicken egg sizes and colors.

    Thanks, the medium size egg I got had two yolks. How common is that?
  10. elaines03

    Chicken egg sizes and colors.

    I have Barred Rocks, Rhode Island Reds, Black Australorps and Easter Egger chickens and they are just staying to lay. I've gotten Green eggs so I'm guessing those are from my Easter Eggs. The first few were very small then I got one about the size of a medium store bought egg. Then I got a...
  11. elaines03

    Barred Rock and Black Australorps

    What color of eggs to they lay?
  12. elaines03

    Black Barred Rock anyone raised any??

    I have Black Barred Rocks, Rhode Island Reds, Black Australorp and Easter Eggs and they are get along great. Now we did get them all at the same time when they were a day old. So they've been raised together.
  13. elaines03

    Treat or toxins!

    I'm a little confused after reading the list of chicken treats and then reading the list on toxic plants on the link. Cabbage and Kale are on the toxic list but the treat lists them as good. Also I have a"chickens" magazine that gives a list of herbs you can put in the nesting...
  14. elaines03


    Hello, I'm new to BYC and I live in Royse City, TX which is about 30 minutes East of Dallas. It's about as far out in the country I can live and still have a decent drive to work during the week. This is our first year having chickens. We started out with 12, 4 different breeds. They are...
  15. elaines03

    Chicken mites and dirt baths

    Thanks TwoCrows for the advice.
  16. elaines03

    Chicken mites and dirt baths

    Hello I'm a new member and new to raising chickens. Ours are two months old and we have twelve. I've been reading about mites. Mine don't have any that I'm aware of but if they get them can they transfer to humans? I like to pet my chickens but am concerned about mites getting on me if they...
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