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  1. jaredthefox

    LASH eggs??

    A lash egg is an infection in the egg reproductive organs. From my knowledge you won't get an egg from a hen that lays a lash egg. It really messes up their system and in some cases kills the hen. I would cull whoever lays a lash egg.
  2. jaredthefox

    shipped chicks bubbles on chest

    I bet they are fine. I bet one has water in its crop and the other has feed. I would give it a few days and see how it goes. You should see a change in 24 hrs.
  3. jaredthefox

    Pullets not laying in nesting boxes.......HELP!!!!!

    For me I sacrafice real eggs to get a hen to lay where I want. For example. I just got a pair of SLW. The hen was laying all over the ground. One day it got 110 here and the egg was so hot I couldn't really hold it because it had set in the sun so long. I put 4 eggs where I wanted her to lay...
  4. jaredthefox

    What color feathering do you think this Easter Egger chick will have?

    It largely depends on the roosters personality. From my experience as a whole the smaller size roosters are less damaging to the hens than bigger roosters. I have 3 araucana roosters over my flock of easter eggers. They are smaller than my hens but still get the job done. It makes since to me...
  5. jaredthefox

    4 week old chicks...

    I would also agree yes. Although I don't think you would need to keep them seperate if you have ample space. I currently have chicks that are 3 weeks through 2 years old. My main pen consists of mentioned chickens, guinea, ducks and turkeys. Along with 5 roosters and 2 momma hens with chicks. My...
  6. jaredthefox

    Silkie project

    I am not sure it can be done. But if it could I would use a white silkie. Breed that silkie to a silver sebright. Take that baby and breed it to a silver sebright. Take that babies baby and breed it to a silver sebright than breed this 3rd baby to second baby to increase the silkie genes while...
  7. jaredthefox

    Breeding Ayam Cemani

    You won't get all black chicks from them. You can however breed them and than take the darkest babies and than breed them and continue on doing this. It's selective breeding. It's how you choose a trait you desire. Pick the ones with that best trait and get rid of the rest.
  8. jaredthefox

    What color feathering do you think this Easter Egger chick will have?

    Easter eggers are impossible to determine colors of their babies. You can cross the same hen with the same roo 5 times and every time get 5 different colored chicks.
  9. jaredthefox


    first was it a blue black or splash BLRW? I'm willing to bet that it was a black BLRW and a golden laced wyandotte. If you think about it the color of both birds are black with just a touch of lacing color. When you cross colors even if the same breeds it's a mutt. You won't get the lacing. (...
  10. jaredthefox

    4 week old chicks...

    What's the temperature at your place during the day and night Are there other chickems/animals they will be with?
  11. jaredthefox

    East texas?

    You could get a different experience than me. I tried 3 times with 12 eggs each time. I got 2 chicks to stay alive after a month. One died around 2 months.
  12. jaredthefox

    East texas?

    From my experience it is very difficult to get a good hatch out of isbars. They either don't grow past 10 days. Die at hatch or are deformed. I am good at hatching and I won't pay for isbar eggs anymore.
  13. jaredthefox

    Is it better to lockdown early or late?

    Your temps ain't right if you got hatching 2 days early. I have automatic egg turners and they move so slow that it don't really matter if I don't turn them off. I currently have 200 eggs in my incubator and hatch 30-50 every week. If you stop turning your eggs on day 16 you raise the risk of...
  14. jaredthefox

    Is it better to lockdown early or late?

    I put mine in lock down at day 18 or 19. Works out great for me. Putting lockdown to early is worse than to late.
  15. jaredthefox

    incubator temps and humidity help!

    How to turn a refrigerator into an incubator:) Phase 1 = how to build it Phase 2 = how to use it Phase 3 = candling and hatching Since I got this set up and it's so easy to keep my humidity exactly what I want I keep my humidity at 55% all the time. When a chick begins to hatch it...
  16. jaredthefox

    What is she?

    I think your right. I just found this. It's a mix between a polish and a white leghorn
  17. jaredthefox

    What is she?

    I thought she was a he up until she got jumped on today. I was given her by someone who didn't want chickens anymore. Any idea what she is?
  18. jaredthefox

    Mixed Breed Photo Reference *please read guidelines in first post before adding content*

    Just wandering if they have started to featger out yet?
  19. jaredthefox

    What breed rooster?

    I was given this rooster from a blk copper maran breeder. He said that he has only raised blk copper marans and that he started with 10 eggs. He know has over 50 for his breeding stock. This rooster is gorgeous but isn't the typical blk copper maran rooster look. What do you think??
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