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  1. T

    Mystery hatch - Breed and Gender of 2nd Grade Classroom hatches

    They are supposed to go to live out their lives as free-range birds on a family's farm, but from what I've learned, this is not a possibility for Cornish, as they would require a great deal of care. How can I know the breed for sure? Is there an age where it is clearly a Cornish? I don't want...
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    Mystery hatch - Breed and Gender of 2nd Grade Classroom hatches

    That's what I was afraid of. Do Cornish come from brown eggs?
  3. T

    Mystery hatch - Breed and Gender of 2nd Grade Classroom hatches

    I hatched chicks in my 2nd grade classroom. Got the eggs from a pet store in Orange County, and the parent picking them up didn't think to ask the breed!!! All the yellow chicks (some with a few black bits of feathers or specs of black down) were from large brown eggs. The different one was...
  4. T

    Pecking sores, fowl pox or something else?

    Thank you! Poor girl, I had only witnessed one minor scuffle, so I didn't know she was being picked on! I hadn't tried breaking her yet, as I wasn't sure if she was sick. The crazy thing is, the pecking order seems to have changed. She (Ranunculus) used to be near the top, and now, I think my...
  5. T

    Pecking sores, fowl pox or something else?

    I live in an area that doesn't have very many "farm animal" vets, closest we come is an exotic animal vet. Does anyone recognize this? What is it? What do I do? Is it contagious? She is staying in her nesting box...but she's often broody, so that's hard to determine if it is a symptom or...
  6. T

    Temperature/humidity changes ratio of sexes?

    Thank you! I do know I'd be killing off the rooster embryos to try it, but I'd rather stop them before they really start and not worry about how to re-home them, and making sure they don't end up with someone with nefarious intentions... (I live in a city that does not allow roosters, and near...
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    Help! Unabsorbed yolk or umbilical hernia?

    Totally fine, 7 weeks old. So bizarre! It didn't completely go away, there is still a darker, thicker area - but it doesn't seem to bother him!
  8. T

    Temperature/humidity changes ratio of sexes?

    I have heard it discussed that male and female embryos have different temperature tolerances and that you might effect different hatch rates by manipulating temperature. My last two hatches consisted of 5 chicks (4 roos and 1 hen) and my latest of 6 chicks (4 roos and 2 hens). Am I doing...
  9. T

    Gender check!

    I think it's a mixed breed chicken (a bit scruffy looking!). What gender would you think?
  10. T

    Gender? I'd love some help!

    Classroom hatched chickens, and I can't keep roos! I think I have a good idea of who's who, but would love some advice before I start trying to rehome! We'll miss them, though. It's amazing how tame and sweet they all are. Chicks are 7 weeks old Aruacana Buff Brahma #1 Buff...
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    Chicks with runny poop

    The link to the poop chart is broken...does anyone have a working link?
  12. T

    Intestinal prolapse vs. Umbilical cord

    I'm so sorry. It never gets easier. It is amazing what they can survive with for a little while. Glad you have a few healthy ones! A teacher at my son's school had 18 aruacana eggs, and no hatch. Her class is very sad. I'm going to try to find someplace that sells chicks to buy for her as...
  13. T

    Help! Is this the right treatment?

    She lays on her tummy. At first, her feet were up by her head, and paddling on the ground. In the morning (I left her alone the first night) she had her feet under her, but laid on them. I put her in a splint (rubber band with straw piece on it) this morning, but she just laid on her feet...
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    Intestinal prolapse vs. Umbilical cord

    Ooh, I hope she's ok. It's so hard. I have one standing in a cup now, to try to correct splayed legs. So hard. I just don't want to give up on it!!! Poor little baby doesn't much like my "cures". My students want me to take it to the vet...not sure I'm up to spending hundreds of dollars on...
  15. T

    Help! Unabsorbed yolk or umbilical hernia?

    I sure hope that's not what it is! It has darkened in color, and he is in the brooder with the others. He is active, and eating and drinking normally. I'd hate to isolate him if I don't need to. Would it be too late now, anyway, or do I leave it? I did put apple cider vinegar in the water...
  16. T

    Chick hours old scooting on butt legs out in front!!!

    My new chick is doing the same pathetic looking! :( I feel so sad for her! Any suggestions? I read some people standing them in a shot glass, but it would seem that the slippery glass might make things worse. These are classroom chicks, so I'd like to fix it or remove the chick...
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