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  1. mammapekin

    Pekin Duck Club!

    I want to buy Mezuri water fowl feed but it's hard to find here so I need to go to a feed store to check. I was feeding her pail try feed with lots of veggies but I'm afraid to feed that too now. Can she eat smoked salmon?
  2. mammapekin

    Pekin Duck Club!

    She spent the night in an animal emergency hospital. She had Iv fluids calcium and oxygen and had to be force fed because she lost so much weight within days. She's home now looking a bit better but we are supposed to have her blood work tomorrow. I can't get out of the house again till tomorrow...
  3. mammapekin

    Pekin Duck Club!

    Not great. She seemed much better this morning even walked around eating and drinking then something happed and her legs have out. She declined today panting hard and labored breathing. I think she had a small seizure just now and her eyes dilated and she kind of attacked me after biting my hand...
  4. mammapekin

    Pekin Duck Club!

    5:30am she seized again but pushed a healthy egg out. Maybe not yoke I saw. She started to stand after the egg was laid but has been shaking her head violently and flailing about as often as she was seizing. Did that egg prevent her from walking or standing I wonder. Is she getting better or...
  5. mammapekin

    Pekin Duck Club!

    It's 4:45 I must have drifted off because I woke to another seizure just now. This one seems to have her seeing things on the wall and she pooped out what looks like yoke. The vet asked me if she has pooped yoke but she hadn't till now. She's also plucking feathers and twitching much more...
  6. mammapekin

    Pekin Duck Club!

    I took her to vet. Little help. She gave her antibiotics and calcium but she threw up about five minutes after and twice more on the drive home. Another person I have been talking to that knows ducks well said I should give her more meds but I'm a bit scared to. She was so stressed and pants...
  7. mammapekin

    Pekin Duck Club!

    They are too cute bum side up!
  8. mammapekin

    Pekin Duck Club!

    Thank you I will take her today. She laid an egg at 4am and is standing but weak. She's talkative but still has trouble moving while standing. What a terrible night, I hardly slept keeping my eye on her. I will update you later.
  9. mammapekin

    Pekin Duck Club!

    Hello, I'm still learning how to use this site so excuse me if I post in the wrong place. I have one Pekin girl named Alicio as we thought her to be a boy for a while. She is only alone because she was a rescue and I don't want to add another until I buy a house in a few months so I can build a...
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