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  1. J

    Mailing hatching eggs- the secret?

    O had a dozen black copper marans eggs shipped a few years ago. None were broken, but candling by day 14 showed either infertile or ruptured air sac.
  2. J

    Best Layers?

    I haven't had much experience with the black sex linked, but I love my red sex linked. They lay really big eggs, but I've read that they tend to get "spent" after about 2 years. Also, my red sex linked tend to wander a good bit when we free-range. My Australorps always stay within the fence-...
  3. J

    So interested is cross breeds for hybrid vigor and the quandry....

    I surely will. Still hatching. Some of the white one have black spots sparsely scattered. I wasn't counting on the Black Australorp Roo and RSL hen crossing yielding either black or white chicks- but it makes sense- looked it up on the chicken color calculator. The Aussie roos are obviously...
  4. J

    So interested is cross breeds for hybrid vigor and the quandry....

    The eggs from the Black Ausralorp rosters and the RSL hens are hatching today. Half are black, half are white with black spot on the tail. So cute!
  5. J

    So interested is cross breeds for hybrid vigor and the quandry....

    I've got 40 eggs in the incubator- mostly from the red hens crossed with the Australorp roos. Excited to see how they grow up to look and lay. Also ended up getting 4 Ameraucana pullets to cross with the red/Aussie cockerels later this summer. Should make a really hardy olive egger.
  6. J

    Mixing Debeaked Hens

    We mixed some debeaked egg farm rescues with a couple of our RIRs a few years ago- they did fine.
  7. J

    "Big butt eggs"

    cracked the 84 gram egg- was a double yolk. We'll see about the other one in the morning for breakfast.
  8. J

    "Big butt eggs"

    108 grams is HUGE
  9. J

    "Big butt eggs"

    Our pullets are production red and red-sex linked. Been laying for a couple of weeks now- still getting some small ones from the newest layers- seems like the others are really "kicking in" with the big ones..... we'll see if any are doubles or not tonight...
  10. J

    "Big butt eggs"

    The kids found two huge eggs in the nesting boxes today- one's 72 grams, the other is a whopping 84 grams! Pics show them next to store-bought "large" white eggs. Funny thing if you can read it is that one of the kids wrote on each of the big ones "big butt egg".... by US Standards, an "extra...
  11. J

    What color are your Australorp's eggs?

    thanks! Those do look a bit lighter than what my RSL and production reds are laying. Hopefully I'll be able to tell the difference when it comes time to start incubating!
  12. J

    Breeding Isa Brown Rooster with Barred Plymouth Rock Hen

    it should be sexlinked- looks like you have a boy
  13. J

    Owl attack? driving myself crazy with guilt!

    If the eyes were eaten out, it'd venture to say that it was most likely a hawk. We've lost some bantams to hawks- they'll start with the face and eyes, work down to the neck, and then pick out some breast meat. We came home one day and stepped outside and I scared away a hawk who was having his...
  14. J

    Cat problem, I need a fix

    That can be a touch situation with the neighbors and "keeping the peace". If the cat's "disappear", they'll know it's you and resent it and possibly retaliate. We've had predator problems before- raccoons, possums, hawks, owls, foxes, even a bobcat. We had to completely refortify our pen- it's...
  15. J

    What kind if chicken is this?

    yes- looks like a production red.
  16. J


    legs and thighs are probably fine. The upper part of the breast looks fine, too. Make sure to cool "well done".
  17. J

    What color are your Australorp's eggs?

    Mine are definitely hatchery chickens- got them at the feed store. Maybe someone will chime in soon.
  18. J

    Eye swollen

    looking back- it's definitely swollen- I tend to think recent injury or infection. May try a warm compress for about 15 minutes with a mild saltwater solution and see if it'll drain.
  19. J

    Eye swollen

    hmmm- very cloudy. It could be an infection, or it could be an old injury. Maybe calling an avian vet would be good- especially if she needs antibiotic eye drops or ointment.
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