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  1. BoerneChickens

    Off color / rough shells on eggs - PIC included

    Cadbury, my SC Marans, has been laying for about two months now. She normally lays 6 and sometimes even 7 days of the week - rarely skipping a day. This week she has only laid twice in the last four days - once yesterday and once two days before that. The egg from four days ago is her normal...
  2. BoerneChickens

    RIP Lilly :( :( - WE FOUND HER!

    We lost our Silkie today - she was 13 weeks old and out in the yard ranging with the full grown standard sized girls. I was home in a room where I can hear them and other than some egg songs early in the day I didn't hear anything. I went out mid afternoon to check them and to go pick up the...
  3. BoerneChickens

    Raccoon in my coop!

    I have been away for a week for work and got home just before dusk so I let the girls out for a little yard time after a week locked in their coop and run. Later, the kids and I went out to lock the girls in once it got dark. The girls were in their house on the roost and there was a big...
  4. BoerneChickens

    Algae in waterer

    I am having a terrible time keeping my waterers algae free in the heat of the summer. I have read that putting a tsp of cholrine bleach for each gallon of water will help but I wasn't sure how to tell the concentration of the bleach to know if I should put less than that. Does anyone add...
  5. BoerneChickens

    How long fromegg song and squat to actual eggs?

    I have an EE who is 21 weeks old today. She has been checking out the nest box and singing the egg song (or close to it) and she does the egg squat when you pat her back - she has been doing this for just over a week but still no eggs from her. How long does it typically take to go from those...
  6. BoerneChickens

    For a hot climate (Texas) which is better?

    I am quickly falling in love with Mille Fleur Cochins (standard or bantam) and Mille Fleur D'Uccles - I am not going to breed them or eat them - I enjoy the eggs and just having a mixed beutiful flock. I live in the San Antonio area - it gets quite hot in the summer and humid. Are either of...
  7. BoerneChickens

    Brown eggs from my first EE :(

    Well, I wasn't home this morning due to work, but I got an email telling me that in addition to the dark brown egg from my Marans that started laying last week, today there was a second egg - a light brown egg along with the dark brown egg. My only other hens of laying age are EEs, so I guess I...
  8. BoerneChickens

    Trouble integrating

    I have 4 hens that are 20 weeks that are all standard size (1 SCM and 3 EEs) and I have two 10 week old bantams (1 BPR and 1 Silkie). I have had the little girls in a dog kennel with wire sides in the hen house and down inthe run and out on the grass with the big girls for about 3 weeks. This...
  9. BoerneChickens

    Do Sillkies roost?

    Not sure I am in the right topic - so please let me know if I should move this. I am new to chickens and have one 8 wk old Silkie. Tonight was the first night they were integrated with the older hens (24 weeks) in the hen house after everyone had roosted. The other 8 wk old - Plymouth Rock -...
  10. BoerneChickens

    Please tell me she isn't a he!

    I was working in the coop this weekend to temporarily block off part of it to protect my 8 week old bantams from my 24 week old standard hens until they are a little closer in size. Anyway - I know the little girls were a little worried about the sound of the drill in the coop and my Silkie...
  11. BoerneChickens

    My first eggs!!!! Yippeeee!!

    Well I had calculated wrong and thought I wouldn't have eggs until early September - but I guess I WAY screwed up the math becuse we got our first eggs today! I didn't see any last night when I put the girls up for the night so I was shocked to find TWO tonight! I am not sure which girl laid...
  12. BoerneChickens

    Hen or roo? Bantam Barred Plymouth Rock

    I have a few chicks (my second batch - I am a newbie) that are two weeks old. The EEs and the Silkie all have feathered out on their wings and are showing tail feathers - the bantam barred plymouth rock is still pretty much all fluff. She is not much smaller than the silkie - but I am...
  13. BoerneChickens

    Free ranging reducing laying?

    I have a friend who has no chickens, but he keeps telling me that a guy he works with used to work in commerical egg production and he says if I don't keep my hens confined it will reduce how much they lay. I have not read that in any books and honestly once my hens start laying (guessing will...
  14. BoerneChickens

    Finally our Silkie is here!

    So excited for my new little additions today! We had a few that didn't survive shipping, but luckily one of the two Silkies made it and so did the Barred Plymouth Rock that my son wanted so badly. Going to try to post the pics - hopefully I did this right.... Love love love the little peepers!
  15. BoerneChickens

    Finished coop pics!

    OK - I jsut had to post a pic. The girls moved in about two weeks ago and they seem to love it. I keep making little additions to the outside and I think it looks so pretty I had to share a pic! I used the plans for the Garden Coop and resized it slightly - but the plans made it possible for...
  16. BoerneChickens

    Won't roost in the hen house?

    My chicks are 5 1/2 weeks old and are out in their coop. It has a raised hen house in one end and a full enclosed run. We have been keeping them in the house at night - which has roosts - but they sleep on the floor. Tonight I got home a little later and they were out in the coop on a roost...
  17. BoerneChickens

    How much DE?

    If I am going to mix DE into the food I give the chicks - how much do you mix in? What is the ratio? My chicks move outside today and will start getting grit and hopefully bugs - so I want to protect against worms and I read DE is an organic option for that? Will it eliminate the need to worm...
  18. BoerneChickens

    How do you tell EE from true Ameraucana?

    I bought EEs from MPC, so I know that's what I have (mine are only a few weeks old), but I am just wondering if someone can post pics of the two or describe the physical differences to me (I know EEs are a cross). I am curious and want to learn more! My EEs have big cheek tufts, which I think...
  19. BoerneChickens

    Silkies not roosting?

    I have been reading that a lot of folks say that Silkies don't roost - they like to sleep in the nest boxes. Which equals poopy nest boxes I assume. I will soon have a mix of Silkies and a few other types - should I plan some kind of extra "bed" space for the Silkies? How do you keep them from...
  20. BoerneChickens

    Introducing grit?

    My chicks are two weeks old and I was wondering if it is too early to take them out to spend time on the grass on warm days (in a protected run of course)? Do you need to introduce grit when you do that? Where do you buy chick grit? I have read some posts that say you can use parakeet grit?
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