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  1. orangesplash

    Chickens down with flu like symptoms

    My chickens have chest congestion and I can hear cryptic sounds. Also some of them are sneezing. These are a total of 4 chickens. What should I do? should I give salbutamol or any anti allergy? I started gentatylosin. should I give a cough syrup also? please help.
  2. orangesplash

    Flees all over

    How to get ride of flees in Sultan chickens? there is an abundance of flees in this chicken... she is literally loosing weight and i just discovered the flees.... i gave her a bath in this powder that is supposed to be mixed in water. but i still think she has them... what to do.. EXPERTS...
  3. orangesplash

    What on Earth is this that eats just the head?

    This is the 4 chick 4-5 months old that is being found dead in my coop with the head eaten. I have no idea of what is happening and what is causing this to happen? Can I be given expert advise on how to handle this situation. Is this a Rat or a Mangoose? What can it be? PLEASE HELP!
  4. orangesplash

    What’s the treatment for this chicken

    Please . see the video.
  5. orangesplash

    Brinsea Incubator Temperature queries

    I have a Brinsea mini EX and the when i put a beurer room thermometer/hygrometer, it showed a temp of 37 degree celsius, though i had set a temp of 37.7 the development of the eggs is hundred percent correct but the hatching takes longer. but my question is that if the external thermometer is...
  6. orangesplash

    Better Immune system

    How can one warrant a very good immune system for chicks that have been hatched at home? One of the 37 chicks died all of a sudden. There was no signs of sluggishnish or any other symptoms. Please experts give me a diet plan that i can follow for these angels. thanks in advance!
  7. orangesplash

    New Castle Disease killed my White Sultan Female Adult and I am devastated

    I have no idea why these vaccines are out in the market that are useless. I use this vaccine orally for my chickens against New Castle Disease. On the 18th of January I vaccinated my chickens with the ND-IB new castle and infectious bronchitis vaccine. The chicken developed signs of New castle...
  8. orangesplash

    Hatching chicks and managing traffic

    Dear Friends! I have a question... what happens when the chicks move around in the hatching area and kick the eggs that are about to hatch. Should I move the chicks out so the other eggs hatch 🐣 in peace?
  9. orangesplash

    Chick with legs swaying apart

    Why are my chicks being born like this? Please experts can you tell me why chicks are born like this? many vitamins I can give to parents to prevent this?
  10. orangesplash

    Please help!!!

    Please take a look at this video where my chickens that arrived from Netherlands and travelled 2-3 days are now like this.... What should I do? should I tube feed?
  11. orangesplash

    Day 21 and no signs of hatching...

    Hi friends, Today is the 21st day for the eggs and there was a little pipping in one of the eggs, as it was struggling since more than 12 hours, i helped it by removing the shell and was very careful that the inner membrane is not hurt, but there still was blood that came out.... now what will...
  12. orangesplash

    Porcelain Brahma perfect quality check?

    how does one know if a porcelain is the best pattern and coloring in Brahma?
  13. orangesplash

    Cuckoo, Crele Brahma?

    I'm posting these links here for experts to contemplate and tell me what this breed actually is... i was told it is cuckoo crele brahma... is this correct? One video is of the chicks & the other is of the parents. need comments on whether or not this was said correctly...
  14. orangesplash

    Is this good quality of crele cuckoo?

    I’m attaching videos of the parents and chicks. please can experts comment on the quality and color pattern.
  15. orangesplash

    Are these females Blue Silver Orange or Blue Partridge?

    i am posting a video of BSO brahma. are the 2 females in the video Blue partridge or BSO? The Male is blue silver Orange, but i think the females are blue partridge. am I right? The video is on the above link.
  16. orangesplash

    New born chick doing this to the neck!

    the incubator was shut off for one day and there was no rotation of eggs also, this is what is happening to the chick born.... what can i do now? the youtube link is here... please experts let me know what to do....
  17. orangesplash

    Mites infestation

    I recently lost my blue buff brahma 6 month old chicken and I was told that it was suffering a mites infestation. How on earth do mites take over like this that the chickens' pain was unbearable... please tell me how i can prevent this and also how it is treated. thanks alot.
  18. orangesplash

    Are polish unfriendly chickens?

    I recently got cuckoo polish and they are just not getting used to me. well its just been 3 days but whenever i try to put food for them, they just start running in the coop. Are polish chickens friendly by nature? The female was laying eggs before coming to my home and now since 3 days, it...
  19. orangesplash

    how to bring TOLBUNT/Porcelain colors to life?

    I have porcelain brahma and white sultans, do you think i can cross them to get porcalein sultan? would the female be the white sultan and male be the porcelain brahma? I also am thinking to cross tolbunt polish with white sultan. in that case, would the male be the tolbunt polish and female...
  20. orangesplash

    Why don't some chickens cross at all?

    I am wondering why the male polish is not crossing with the female? is there any particular reason for them not to cross? both are young birds. the female has started laying eggs also.
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