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  1. Santa Claus

    Popcorn chicken!

    5 weeks
  2. Santa Claus

    First time mama

    Out of the five broodies I have one chick so far...
  3. Santa Claus

    Popcorn chicken!

    Update! No losses! They are starting to feather out and their colors are going to be crazy.
  4. Santa Claus

    Popcorn chicken!

    Update at 13 days. No losses! Everyone is going gang busters. Yes, I’m not good with a phone camera...
  5. Santa Claus

    First time hatch, help!!!

    They will dry and fluff just fine! Congratulations on your new chicks!
  6. Santa Claus

    Popcorn chicken!

    UPDATE! Everyone who hatched is doing great. We picked 20 eggs from our Buff Orpington Rooster ( Retard is his name ) Over 3 Gold laced Wyandotte’s and two Lavender Orpingtons. It seems the Wyandotte girls are getting most of his attention. We ended up with: 1 clear day 4 2 early quitters day...
  7. Santa Claus

    How will my broody hen act before the big hatch?

    No, should leave her be. Wait until they hatch and she moves them off the nest. Then dispose of the leftover eggs and nest. Best if you put it in a compost pile but you can just put it away from the coop and run in the woods or trash.
  8. Santa Claus

    Muscovy hen moving eggs before going broody!

    She’s choosing the best ones to concentrate on. She knows how many she can do. Just keep a eye on her and she will tell you when she is done with the choices. Good luck!
  9. Santa Claus

    Popcorn chicken!

    Fixing to go to the brooder! Link is to my instagram account. So if you want to see video.
  10. Santa Claus

    Popcorn chicken!

    The tardy ones were the last collected in the batch and because I didn’t know they should be stored at 60 degrees or so the first eggs collected actually started pipping just hours after I removed the turner. I had been gradually raising the humidity from day 14 to 70% on day 18. It seems that...
  11. Santa Claus

    Popcorn chicken!

    Down to the two tardy ones.
  12. Santa Claus

    Popcorn chicken!

    So our chicks are hatching and I must say that I am way happy . Our first hatchling has been named by Mrs. Claus. Clark, as in Clark Kent... This chick pipped and zipped like he had downed 3 5 hr energy drinks! The gray down head in the bottom left. He was alone for about 2hrs and then they...
  13. Santa Claus

    BroodBox Incubator Project

    I checked into those too. I will be driving them with a Arduino and the speed is adjustable in the code. The main reason is that I have the hardware for them already from my rc hobby.
  14. Santa Claus

    Who laid these?

    What kind of hens do you have? Or are they store bought?
  15. Santa Claus

    Chicken attacked by stray dogs, flock won't stop attacking her.

    Keep her isolated until she is healed. If you can cover the pen at least the top and three sides it will calm her down. Keep her water clean and add ACV (1Tblspn per gallon) braggs with the mother is best.
  16. Santa Claus

    Caponized roo personality

    I am probably going to get some flack for what i’m about to say... Caponizing is like any other treatment given to livestock. There will be some that do not react well and die. That being said, caponizing done at 8wks is fairly positive with results of no crowing and no aggression or fighting...
  17. Santa Claus

    BroodBox Incubator Project

    Good start! I am going the conversion route to save the hassle of building a box. I am using this: Gutted it and am building a control box on top with the wiring on the back. I am probably going with a mix of PID control and Arduino control. Capacity of 196 eggs. I am using a flat roller...
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