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  1. vtgirls

    bleeding tail feathers and skunk and bird in need of a home too !!

    Last week my Polish rooster (4 months old) was bleeding from a broken tail feather. We assumed rooster fighting had occured and placed him in a huge dog kennel to heal up. We reintegrated him and watched closely, no fighting at all. Yesterday we saw the hens were the culprits, each going for...
  2. vtgirls

    mixing in new chicks

    Yes, I know there are many threads about this - I've been reading through them for some hours! Our current set up: One coop about 120 square feet. "Up front" the original set of 4 hens, about a year old. Introduced to them last month, the set of 4 (plus mama) "New Years" hatched hens - now...
  3. vtgirls


    Left my rails in because I have turkey eggs in there too and did not want to have little chicks rolling them all over the place ..... Not sure on the official answer though.
  4. vtgirls


    Here are the two little fuzzy buns that hatched out last week in the Octagon 20. Both have an EE roo father, one has a SLW mama hen and the other a Barred Rock mama hen. Cant wait to see how they feather out. Now waiting on the turkey eggs set the same time as the chickens, due this Sunday...
  5. vtgirls

    Fox Attack in Broad Daylight

    Unfortunately (for the fox) once the foxes get a whiff of chickens they need to be removed permanently, by trap or by shooting..... From what you all are saying, all of your foxes must have kits they are trying to feed. They will stop at nothing to do so...
  6. vtgirls

    How to cut down on feed cost?

    Try shopping around some - our local grain mill produces extraordinary organic grain for 26$ a bag. Great. But outrageous to feed for the price, so with much investigation we opted out of the organic and went with Poulin, a different, family owned, in state mill whose grain is 13$ a bag. Cut the...
  7. vtgirls

    Help!! Problem with my Welsummer Chicks

    Wanted to add that maybe getting a bit of grit into them could help too.....
  8. vtgirls


    FYI - in case you don't already know - don't keep the chicks and poults together. Chickens can carry black head and show no signs, and it is deadly to turkeys and spreads like wildfire. While I know this is often a concern for people, I have raised turkeys and chickens together and know quite...
  9. vtgirls

    Fox Attack in Broad Daylight

    We had a fox come along in the morning and he foolishly chose to go for our big mean tom turkey enclosure (thank goodness). It is really a wood shed and NOT predator proof, but this tom was too aggressive for the safety of our kids, so he was awaiting freezer camp there temporarily. The first...
  10. vtgirls

    Help!! Problem with my Welsummer Chicks

    Could it be some type of starve out? Did you put shavings in right away or start on paper towelish surface first for a couple days? (sometimes they eat them when they are very little and can't process them) I hope the rest end up ok. Hugs.
  11. vtgirls

    2 hatched, 2 nothing..........

    Uck, not a good waiter.... Good thing two sweeties are already out!
  12. vtgirls

    2 hatched, 2 nothing..........

    2 hatched on day 20. Pipped first thing in the morning, then absolutely nothing until about 1030 pm, them zip, bam, hatch with one and 230am zip and bam with the other. My other two eggs were rocking a bit and thought I heard a peep very early today, but all day long nothing. No wiggle, no pip...
  13. vtgirls


    One pip and one peep.... Oh the agony of waiting...
  14. vtgirls

    Free range or keep in coop until first egg?

    We let ours range and they went back to the nest boxes to lay without even a fake. Just yesterday we moved our now year old hens to a new coop and we did NOT let them roam and they all did lay in the new boxes in the new coop today! I am all for let them be out and be happy and munching the...
  15. vtgirls

    Help with ID - unidentified brown egg layers at the "ugly stage"

    The black one on your hand looks exactly like my Austrolorp who is 3 weeks old - I got him/her from my pet chicken. Supposed to be a girl but looks rooish to me already, same as yours does....
  16. vtgirls

    what is she & is she a she? pic. heavy

    Looks sort of PBR (definate mixed) but I think the best chickens are the surprise barnyard mixes anyway!
  17. vtgirls


    Mmmaddie13 wrote: Well I can't do this hatch along now because none of my eggs hatched. One zipped and died but that's it. The temperature and humidity gauges were inaccurate. Not very happy with my brand new brinsea. Oh No!! That is not good. I do hope you figure out the quirks, or brinsea...
  18. vtgirls

    really fat turkey

    Firstly, thanks you to all for your help in this mystery.... I was with the farmer who did my butchering the whole time so that isnt it. I am wondering about genetics as well. The farm the eggs came from that we hatched them out of may not have added new stock to the lines in quite some time -...
  19. vtgirls

    d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

    Cynthis - Shes very sweet! My husband was winning a bunch of our little layers (3 weeks old) over last night just by dipping his finger in the crumbles and letting them munch from his hand. Who knew? Here I'm giving bread and scraps and treats galore and he wins their hearts with grain
  20. vtgirls

    really fat turkey

    These were my first four, two toms and two hens. One tom has a layer of fat like a huge pig would (well more than an inch thick) on him - he jiggles like jello. They were all narragansetts at 9 months old. The others are lean and yummy in appearance, almost no fat at all. Same feed for all...
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