d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

approximately how many quail and black chicks do you have available?

Just sent out one order today on them, Think I should still have a mixed bag of those 2 around 15 or so though. also have a few blue and splash 8 or so of them left and some cuckoos.
All must go tomorrow though or I'll need to keep them.
Let me know if interested as quick as possible and we'll get the details worked out
Hey, Aubrey, what is the earliest you usually see any pink in a pullet's comb in this breed? Oh, one of the porcelain boys let me pick him up today and he sat on my knee, so we're making progress finally. They just won't pose for a picture at all.
I just love the subtle play of colors in the porcelains.

Here is their covered pen so they'll be safe. Won't be too long and they'll be the only residents, along with the other couple girls I mentioned before. There is a dig barrier buried in front of that gate you can't see, trust me:

boy Cynthia that looks good
They gonna be some spoiled birds for sure.
Uusually 4-6 weeks the pullets will be showing a little color too to the comb area, just not as wide or bright as the males, some dont get much at all, others will have that wide bald spot only, no raised comb
Oh darn, maybe next time when you have more quail availabe since I'm getting these for my boyfriend. Trying to find him some other stock to cross into his lines. I'll stay posted on this thread and see if you ever have more quail available. Might get him some blacks in addition just for fun
Just wanted to say thanks for the responses to my questions!!!

As of Wednesday we started getting some eggs. We've gotten an egg a day for the past two days. My son is supper excited and wanting to hatch them now. He has even asked if we can make a hen go broody -- I already explained that we can't and really don't want to right now.

Since he will be showing these birds for 4-H, I have been looking at pictures and have read through the standard information posted by BBB. I feel that I have have identified some definite faults but would anyone be willing to look at some pictures to help critique them? If so, what type of pics would be best?

Cynthis - Shes very sweet! My husband was winning a bunch of our little layers (3 weeks old) over last night just by dipping his finger in the crumbles and letting them munch from his hand. Who knew? Here I'm giving bread and scraps and treats galore and he wins their hearts with grain
4HDad I bet if you post some top, side and well you know, some pictures which show exactly what you are wanted to display you will get responses. Pictures are about the best way to illustrate a point. Congratulations on your eggs

Speckledhen that little porcelain looks so pretty......... and yup food is the way to most animals heart even the two legged variety
sure would be glad to look at some pics.
Best are taken at bird level, not stnding up and looking down at the back

take a good clear face on pic, then some from the sides, good head on view and side view are all that's really needed, be sure to inclue them from toe nail to comb

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