d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

got a load of chicks hatching if anyone is interested. REALLY running out of brooder room so will make one heck of a deal on these to get them a home.
Should be some of the following, black, blue/splash, cuckoo, quail, and maybe some of the rarer colors I've been working on too.
If interested shoot me a PM . Will not offer a deal like I'm planning for these very often. I just dont have room for them, LOL
Aubrey, I would love some more quail as they are my favorite, BUT, I cannot find anyone to split an order with me, but I'll keep on trying
I love my little midgets and cannot wait til they grow up so I can see what I have. I am only going to keep one roo, a porcelain, and rehome any others. Crossing my fingers that all my Dun Quail are all girls
but I woll not hold my breath. I think you should hire a "sexer" so I can order a whole bunch more
Ok, this one is making me go back and forth. It has a tiny bit of pink in the comb so I'm leaning toward male, but it's so much less than the others, I'm not sure. Male or female at 5 weeks old? I need to go back to my "Wait and See" sexing method, LOL.

Now, if they'd all line up and hold perfectly still for a group photo, that would sure help, wouldn't it, LOL?
This one sat in my hand for ages, just letting me talk to it. The MFs are so sweet and calm, especially the males. The porcelains don't want me to touch them, at least not now. Maybe now that I've sold 15 of the 42 chicks in that coop, I can spend more time with them. There will be even more gone next weekend as well.
haha, yep do that, that would help a lot. Get them to all line up and look straight into th camera, then tell them all to turn to one side for the next pic. we can tell for sure then
I have my first two ever MF and they are so cute. One is the "look out" for everyone else (18 chicks all together), spending many hours a day perched on top of the waterer and looking about. The two D'anver are just as cute but more shy. They are all living it up in the brand new coop, fiished just this weekend (at least enough to move in) first peeps to ever enter - they moved in just yesterday from the garage brooder (yes, they still have a heat lamp and a safe place to hang out!)

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