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  1. nimblytripping

    SOS *action needed* on behalf of Mesa AZ members! Defend our chickens!

    Yay!! I hope you are right and they have taken this "solution in search of a problem" off the slate! My emails went out this morning, just in case...
  2. nimblytripping

    Day old baby chicks... Hard to raise?

    Quote: A big box in the laundry room? Boxes are great for babies.
  3. nimblytripping

    Day old baby chicks... Hard to raise?

    They need enough room to get under the heat if they want to and get away from it if it gets too hot. If they are bunched up under the light, they are cold. If they are laying around in the corners (like my first ones were!) looking hot, move the light up. Paying attention is the key. You'll do fine!
  4. nimblytripping

    Arizona Chickens

    Heelers&Chickens_OhMy : My chickens do not have AC, a 'wading pool' or other fancy things. They are outside in a completely open run with extra shade (old boards) on top. They have 2 different water sources, a durabilt nesting box (works AWESOME! - My nesting box ) and I wet down half the run...
  5. nimblytripping

    Arizona Chickens

    Quote: I'm going to repeat myself here, but it's 254 pages later so... People have been raising chickens in AZ long before ANYBODY had AC or fans. If they had been hatched by a hen they would be running around outside and they would be fine. If they have a shaded run where they can catch...
  6. nimblytripping

    Arizona Chickens

    I decided a year ago to stay out of the mister discussion because I suspect if I didn't have HUGE shade trees I would be misting away like crazy! Something Tonopah Pati said reminded me of something I learned with chicks in the heat- a water pan with rocks in it is great for preventing babies...
  7. nimblytripping

    Arizona Chickens

    Coop will have shade, water, fan, maybe mister, but isnt it still to freaking hot? I can't believe how huge this thread has gotten! I was posting that I thought misters weren't necessary 120 pages ago... But I do have mature trees, flood irrigation and gave my 3 hens about 1/3 of my backyard...
  8. nimblytripping

    Will chickens destroy a dwarf lemon tree?

    Mine live with citrus and they don't eat the leaves. I was more concerned about the neighbors Oleandars hanging over the fence but they don't eat those leaves either.
  9. nimblytripping

    Arizona Chickens

    I am surprised you could even find peeps for sale when it's this hot, I vote definitely for the bigger chickens. How are everybodys chickens? Maybe we can have a little "update" post... My three are fine, they are getting fat from all the figs dropping into their area of the yard. They can fly...
  10. nimblytripping

    Arizona Chickens

    Sorry for the double post, but this link in the Gender/Breed BYC Forum has GREAT pictures that show how to tell the sex of your chickens... Mine are all girls! Mesa Feed won't end up with a rooster on their counter after all! (Hope my link works, I am a newbie and experimenting)
  11. nimblytripping

    Cynthia, Boys or Girls please.

    Thanks SpeckledHen!! Great pictures!
  12. nimblytripping

    Arizona Chickens

    Quote: (I've used that user name!) I also am concerned about that, that last time I had chickens I bought 6 Barred Rocks and 3 were roosters. This time I bought 4 day-old chicks (1 died the next day) and I told the guy at Mesa Feed if any were roosters I was going to box it up and leave it on...
  13. nimblytripping

    Arizona Chickens

    Yes, they stink and they get "chick dust" EVERYWHERE. You can definitely keep them outside, mine have been out for 3 weeks now, they would have been on my porch in a big box like the other chicks I have raised except for the stupid neighborhood cats. You just need to make sure they are warm...
  14. nimblytripping

    Arizona Chickens

    I'm so sorry to hear about your chick! I get my chicks from Mesa Feed on Broadway, just west of Mesa Drive. They are very nice there. You might want to call, they are kind of "catch as catch can" with availability. There is a feed store in East Mesa on I think Main that has chicks, I don't know...
  15. nimblytripping

    Chick help

    Quote: This is good advice! I would be afraid if you dye the spot purple the others would peck even more. My mom (my personal chicken expert) says that once they draw blood pecking at something like that they will frequently peck it to death. Good Luck!
  16. nimblytripping

    Arizona Chickens

    I also live in Mesa! I have raised healthy, happy chickens without ever having even THOUGHT about misting them or supplying ice. I do live in central Mesa with mature trees and grass in the backyard, but I know my friend in AJ raised happy chickens and he just made sure they had water. Right...
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