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  1. MagicMarcy66

    Sick Pullet from Rural King

    Bought a RIR on Saturday and she's on the small side. Today she's very weak, Wings dropped, not eating well, cold, she is now drinking after I gave her some yogurt, water and pellets from the electrolyte pack i have. I've been holding her all day, she wants to be in the midst of the other 4...
  2. MagicMarcy66

    ?Abdominal wall defect

    Hi everyone, Have a chick I purchased from tractor supply on Saturday and noticed yesterday that it was having poop stick to its feathers around its vent and lower abdomen. Today I washed the area gently to clean away the poop and found a very small hole in her abdomen and poop does come out...
  3. MagicMarcy66

    Rescue Girl with questionable broken beak or malformation

    Rescued a Rhode Island Red girl from our next door neighbor who released their flock to be eaten by the coyotes. Well to say the least I had to play nice, but this is so angering. I'm attaching pictures of Little Lady's beak. I could go on about these 3 chicken but for now I'll stick to...
  4. MagicMarcy66

    Is this normal, I can't remember

    Thank you for your help..... It's been about 5 years since we've had chicks due to a big move and finally ready to have chickens again. Picked up 3 Americauna pullets this afternoon and have them in the house since its 39° out tonight. Have them in a small med veri kennel on a towel and chick...
  5. MagicMarcy66

    HELP...... I am not sure whats wrong with Gigi, but it doesn't look good I am afraid

    My Americana hen, Gigi would not go into the coop last night to roost. My son found her under the hen house in the corner. When we put her in the hen house we noticed right away she was not steady on her feet, her right wing was hanging low, but she does pull it up when she takes steps, her...
  6. MagicMarcy66

    What can I give for pain relief?????

    I have a 14 year old hen and she is limping around the yard when she walks. I am suspecting she has a dreaded case of arthritis and she is otherwise healthy and even lays 1 egg about every 2 weeks. She is a Buff Brahma, Big Mamma is her name. I want to help her get some relief and have an...
  7. MagicMarcy66

    HEL!!! Hen cant stop sneezing and shakin her head

    My poor GiGi is almost to a paniced state. She can't stop sneezing and shaking her head. It becomes so frequent and comes to a point where it seems like it a super hard sneeze and then is subsides for a minute or two and starts all over again. I found her like this about 10 minutes ago in the...
  8. MagicMarcy66

    Help...Can hear chick chirp in the egg and do I need to do anything.

    We took our broody hen out to go poop this afternoon and while she was out I decided to candle the eggs quickly and in egg #4 I could hear the chick peeping. I called my son to bring Bertha back in and put her immediately on the eggs again. Egg #4 was the only egg I heard peeping from. I also...
  9. MagicMarcy66

    Help...Can hear chick chirp in the egg and do I need to do anything.

    We took our broody hen out to go poop this afternoon and while she was out I decided to candle the eggs quickly and in egg #4 I could hear the chick peeping. I called my son to bring Bertha back in and put her immediately on the eggs again. Egg #4 was the only egg I heard peeping from. I also...
  10. MagicMarcy66

    Can you damage a chicks eyes with a flashlicht before they hatch?

    This is my first time hatching eggs. I have a broody Buff Orpington named Big Bertha and boy is she broody. I am curious about checking the chicks inside the eggs. I used a flashlight I bought from Home Depot last weekend and it is 141 Lumen's. Is this to strong of a light to see the chicks...
  11. MagicMarcy66

    Broody Orp that has lost a lot of weight, pale comb and won't leave nest. HELP!!!

    My Orpington is 1 1/2 yrs old, this her first brood and she is laying on 5 eggs. She has lost so much weight and I have brought her in the house and put her in large kitty kennel so I can put a heat pad under her. Her body temp is low as well and her comb is extremely pale. I have a case of...
  12. MagicMarcy66

    THANK YOU!!!!! Re: bumble foot cure

    Hello by Backyard Chicken Peeps! I can not say thank you enough to "eggcentric" who posted a cure/help for bumble foot in chickens. I am a medical professional so taking the plug out and squeezing and cleansing the abcess was not a difficult task for me to do. I was nervous about pulling the...
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