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  1. Schrebergaertner

    Does native ground provide enough grit?

    Our coop has about an 8x15 foot section that is outdoors on native soil that they scratch around and dustbathe in. They also get out a few times a week to free range all around the yard, which has plenty of dirt. Does this provide enough grit, or do we still need to supplement--either by using...
  2. Schrebergaertner

    Speckled Sussex the tamest?

    Our Sussex is the tamest bird we've ever had. But THIS one sat on this girl's handlebar for the entirety of a 2.5 mile July 4th parade!
  3. Schrebergaertner

    Better than bringing donuts to the office!

    My colleagues love me!
  4. Schrebergaertner

    Quarantine question--how to be sure?

    A friend had to get rid of his five one-year-old hens. In the past, we've only added hatchlings to our flock, so we are starting these new birds in a separate coop. I understand 30 days is the standard quarantine period, and we are getting close to that point. None of the new birds is showing...
  5. Schrebergaertner

    Who needs a cat?

    You go, girl!
  6. Schrebergaertner

    RIP Dixie

    You were in our first brood and were always our favorite. You gave us so much more than eggs. You had personality, were the friendliest, and often the goofiest. We will miss you and will never forget your face with that funny crooked comb!
  7. Schrebergaertner

    Red Solo Cup

    I'll never tell what's in the cup!
  8. Schrebergaertner

    Internal lay, eggbound, something else?

    Our almost 4 year old RIR has been sick for two weeks. We can feel what feels like an egg in her lower left side, but there's nothing in her vent. She was initially very very bloated and almost catatonic in a hiding place, but after a bath and supplements she's doing better, though far from...
  9. Schrebergaertner

    Sex-linked chicks with BCM roo?

    We have two Black Copper Marans hens and a BCM roo, and are thinking of hatching a few next time one of the girls goes broody. I'm also wondering whether we could guarantee some females with sex-linked mixes. Our other hens include EE, RIR, BR, Welsummer, Welsummer/EE cross, GLW, Light Brahma...
  10. Schrebergaertner

    Don't you dare mess with my ladies!

    My wife just emailed me this picture from the house. I love it! Good boy, Pierre! He's almost a year old now and so far no sign of aggression toward humans. We may finally have a keeper!
  11. Schrebergaertner

    Winter Solstice

    OK, girls, the days are finally starting to get longer. No more excuses! Get with it, or I'll get the stew pot ready!
  12. Schrebergaertner

    Broody at five months?

    In our latest batch, which hatched in February, is a Black Australorp that went broody about a month ago, when she was five months old. She's a beautiful and very sweet girl. We've never had one go broody this young. And she's more stubborn about it than the others we've been able to break...
  13. Schrebergaertner

    Expected Losses?

    We lost our Dominique yesterday. Unexplained illness. Out of the blue she was listless and hiding yesterday and wouldn't eat or drink. We put her by herself and she died around 9 pm. She was 2 years and 2 months old, very sweet, and a great layer. We've had chickens now for 3 years. The...
  14. Schrebergaertner

    How long can a chicken go without food/water? (Bad, guilty owner)

    OK, I'll start off by saying the story has a happy ending, but I still don't deserve to own my flock. We put our rooster in the garage in a dog crate at night for neighbor peace reasons. Once or twice I've forgotten to take him out in the morning and he's spent a whole day in there, with no...
  15. Schrebergaertner

    Polish Picked On?

    We have 11 chicks about 3 months old, several different breeds. Two of them are White Crested Black Polish. I don't know if it's the crest feathers looking inviting or the two of them being too timid, but they both are getting pecked on the tops of their heads. Their heads are bloody and...
  16. Schrebergaertner

    Mystery chicken death

    Today we lost one of our original girls. Found a RIR dead on the floor of the coop in the middle of the day. She couldn't have been gone more than a couple of hours, since I had been in there not long before. No signs or symptoms beforehand, she had plenty of weight, and nothing noticeable...
  17. Schrebergaertner

    Mmmmmmm, leftovers!

    Hey! Where's the drumsticks!!??
  18. Schrebergaertner

    What did she lay? (pics)

    Yesterday I found this in one of the nestboxes among a few other eggs. I've never seen anything like it. It's the color and texture of eggshell, but it's pliable and rubbery. I cut into it thinking I might see yolk and white, but it was definitely not egg material inside. It looked like...
  19. Schrebergaertner

    "Bring Your Chicken To Work Day"

    We had dress-up at the office yesterday for Halloween. Dom was very sweet for my colleagues. It was priceless seeing their faces when they realized she wasn't a toy!
  20. Schrebergaertner

    Community Bath!

    When you find a good spot, dig in! Can you count how many are here? And pretty soon word will get around!
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