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  1. BeautifulBlue

    Please vote for my easter babies

    My 2 silkie chicks have made it through to the finals out of 250 other pets (they were the only chickens!) Unfortunately it seems like they're aren't many chicken lovers, but what better easter picture than 2 fluffy chicks in an easter basket? So please could you take 2 minutes and vote for my...
  2. BeautifulBlue

    Requesting chicken lovers

    Ok, my 2 silkie chicks have made it through to the finals in a photo competition (out of 250 other pets)!! I would really really like it if we got a couple of votes. There are groups for pugs, horses and rabbits all over, however it seems us chicken loves are rare! I would like to prove...
  3. BeautifulBlue

    Wanted: Chicken diaper pattern

    I live in the UK so it would be too pricey and take too long to buy one from you US guys. So can anyone help me with a pattern for my 3 week old miniature silkie? She's a lone chick so needs to be out and about and if it's bad weather it's not nice for her. I'd prefer a chick size pattern, but...
  4. BeautifulBlue

    Chicken Diaper

    Ok, I've tried and tried and tried and failed several times to make a chicken diaper for my chick. So does anybody have a pattern thats suitable for a small chick? She's a miniature silkie and she's almost 3 weeks old. I'm willing to pay for the pattern, and will not sell it on, this is for my...
  5. BeautifulBlue

    Chicken Diaper

    Ok, I've tried and tried and tried and failed several times to make a chicken diaper for my chick. So does anybody have a pattern thats suitable for a small chick? She's a miniature silkie and she's almost 3 weeks old. I'm willing to pay for the pattern, and will not sell it on, this is for my...
  6. BeautifulBlue

    Chicken diapers for chicks?

    I'm hiding this away in here cos I know some of you on here will think I'm crazy, but for the rare few of you that do keep indoor chickens, can I get one for my two week old chick? Will making just a normal miniature diaper work?
  7. BeautifulBlue

    Silkie Chick's outing

    This is Izzy, just over two weeks old, she's a white miniature silkie. (She was the only one to hatch due to a bad postman! But she's lovely and quiet in the brooder - I was prepared to be kept up all night from the stories I'd read on here lol) My fave piccy from today
  8. BeautifulBlue

    Miniature silkie chick

    Just the one, this is Izzy. Hatched a couple of weeks ago. Cute little feathers and tail stump lol (Click for bigger) Yum Spaghetti (Click for bigger)
  9. BeautifulBlue


    What is this magical place you guys talk about? Is it a store? A website?
  10. BeautifulBlue

    Feather sexing silkies

    I know silkies are hard to sex, and you can't tell until about 6 months. But I've done a search and wondered if you could feather sex them as chicks? With other breeds you can, if the feathers are even you have a male, does it work for silkies? Cos if it does....I have a boy lol
  11. BeautifulBlue

    Quiet lone chick...

    So due to bad postie....I only had one chick develop and hatch. I prepared myself for a very noisy baby, and stuffed the broody with a teddy, fluffy blanket, feather boa, a mirror and jingly bell. She hatched early yesterday morning, but she's so quiet and hardly ever cheeps. She's warm, eating...
  12. BeautifulBlue

    New baby!

    Look what I woke up to! She's still in the incy drying Miniature white silkie which I'm naming Izzy (Click for bigger) Just the one to hatch, my others eggs got scrambled in the post
  13. BeautifulBlue

    Sexing myths and theories

    So Im hatching a few chicks and just wanted to test out some of the myths and theories to tell the gender. Just as a little fun for me Anybody got any to share?
  14. BeautifulBlue

    Tin Foil mirror?

    Can I use tin foil to make a mirror for my lone chick? Or will this reflect too much heat? Will it even work? It's only in a small brooder, it already has a feather boa, and a teddy in there and it's not even hatched yet lol Any thoughts?
  15. BeautifulBlue

    Power Cut :(

    So we had a powercut last night No idea for how long, the egg was cold - not freezing...but cold. All the food in the fridge was still cold.... Only 4 days left What do you reckon? I can't candle until later tonight.
  16. BeautifulBlue

    Rabbit bottle

    So I use these with my 2 adult silkies and jap quail. Is it safe to use one for a newly hatched baby (just the one, due on the 7th). I'm worried that too much water will drip out and go up its nostrils! Anybody have any ideas? I brought a mini bottle for mice, only 75ml. If it's not suitable...
  17. BeautifulBlue

    Drop humidity after hatched?

    I'm unfortunately only down to one egg. I know not to open the incy for the last 3 days. But after the chicks hatched, should I drop the humidity so it dries off quicker?
  18. BeautifulBlue

    Purple House!! (Old kennel)

    My boyfriend transformed this old cat kennel that I got for £30 (Click for bigger) Into this lovely purple house (my colour choice lol) (Click for bigger) More pictures here:
  19. BeautifulBlue

    Large Airsac

    Ok, I have an R-Com 3, so only have 3 eggs in, 2 have very large, odd-shaped airsacs and the other eggs is detached. The detached and another are clear on day 6 of candling. The one thats growing...what are the chances it will live? I've just been reading on here that a large aircell means the...
  20. BeautifulBlue

    Opinions please?

    What do you guys think to this? Any help would be nice. I'm going to have a max of 3 miniature silkies in here. Theres 3 perches in the bottom left, should I move them to the top area (I can only fit two in there), and leave the bottom as a snuggly bit? The bottom right section is going to have...
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