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  1. Doctor T

    Looking for good home for peahen in Santa Cruz, CA

    LOL Oh, boy! Not enough sleep!
  2. Doctor T

    Looking for good home for peahen in Santa Cruz, CA

    Where are you?
  3. Doctor T

    Pictures of Pheasant Housing/Run

    Great set up!! I love that you can sit in the aviary to enjoy your birds!! Please keep us up dated with more pictures.
  4. Doctor T

    Do peafowl kill snakes?

    Thanks Amber! So true of human nature,..."never know what we've got. Pave paradise to put up a parking lot!" :D
  5. Doctor T

    The building of Pea Palace(Pic Heavy)

    You have an amazing aviary! Those are some very lucky birds! What's your plan?
  6. Doctor T

    The building of Pea Palace(Pic Heavy)

  7. Doctor T

    Do peafowl kill snakes?

    Amb3r, You have such charming stories! If you really are in India, and I hope you are, we would love to see pictures, and hear more stories of our beloved peafowl in their natural environment!
  8. Doctor T

    The building of Pea Palace(Pic Heavy)

    Beautiful!! I bet everyone here is just like me,....can't ever see enough pictures!!! Thanks for posting!
  9. Doctor T

    The building of Pea Palace(Pic Heavy)

    What type of roses do you suggest?
  10. Doctor T

    Frustrated with our Peacock family!

    Welcome to the club, Frank! We're all learning about these fabulous birds! This is a great place for information, and sharing, both successes and failures. We all benefit from the experience of others. $309 dollars is quite a vet bill!!
  11. Doctor T

    Aviary Netting-Pen enclosure ideas?

    A 20 by 40 pipe frame car port? Where the heck did you find that?
  12. Doctor T


    Awesome! Thanks Resolution!
  13. Doctor T


    Thanks for starting this thread! I'm pretty new to peafowl, but being a MD, and having raised pure breed cattle in the past, I'm quite sure that nutrition is extremely important, vastly undervalued, under read, and poorly practiced! I look forward to a great discussion!
  14. Doctor T

    somewhere on the sea

    Beautiful place for you and your birds! Thanks for sharing. Where is this?
  15. Doctor T

    Another question about introducing new peas to free range flock

    Great question! How much room do "free range peafowl" need before they move on to someone elses "free range"?
  16. Doctor T

    See my Indian Blue Peacock and ....

    Very nice pictures! Thanks for posting.
  17. Doctor T

    Tell us about your incubators. do you have a website?

    Tell us about your incubators. do you have a website?
  18. Doctor T

    D.I.Y Ground Nest Box Start to Finish.

    Great job! Thanks for posting,...I've been needing to make some for my birds.
  19. Doctor T

    Pictures of my Peacocks Today and ...

    Wow! What a beautiful bird! Great pictures.
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