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  • Users: Rosaleen
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  1. Rosaleen

    Matching up 'orphan chicks" with broody hens

    Am I the only one who puts store bought chicks under broody hens? What's your experiences? I had three cochin bantams crammed in a nesting box sitting on four eggs. One hatched and they all stayed in the box so I picked up 6 chicks from the grain store, moved one of the hens and chick and...
  2. Rosaleen

    Anyone have bears hanging around?

    We have always coexisted with the wild-life around our land...yes...including the occasional moose that barrels through our horse fence. Lately, Mr. ( or Mrs. Bear) have been visiting our land most mornings. There is no food around, although I do have a grain feeder inside the coop...I never...
  3. Rosaleen

    What are they called?

    I have seen on several posts where coops were built using preformed footings for the 4 x 4 to sit on, (no concrete). I don't know what they are called but I am interested in purchasing some for a porch we are going to build. If anyone here in BYC land has used these, please let me know what...
  4. Rosaleen

    AUCTION Chicken covered bowl -- Hull Ware

    AUCTION will end on Saturday May 19 at noon. Bidding will take place on this thread only. I will PM the winner with details. Paypal or money order please. Bidding starts at $35.00. Shipping is $18.00. This Hull casserole (about 3 quarts) is in perfect condition... no cracks or chips...
  5. Rosaleen

    New infra- red heater... Anybody use one?

    We just received an infra-red heater as a gift. We set it up in the middle of three connecting rooms and turned the thermostat down to 65 degrees. The unit heats up to 1000 square feet. There's no hot heating elements and the electrical usage is supposed to be equivalent to running a clock...
  6. Rosaleen

    Can you guess where these names came from?

    I have a clutch of eight week old bantam Cochins. Can you guess where the names came from? Three cockerels: Carton, Heathcliff (hint: he's the bully of the group) and Darnay Four pullets: Nellie, Miss Pross, Pitty Pat and Ladybird
  7. Rosaleen

    Please share photos and ideas for housing chickens inside a barn.

    Next spring I will be renovating the inside of our barn and would like to see what others have done in their barns as well. I love all the wonderful coops here on BYC but I do have a decent sized barn with a second floor hayloft so that's where my focus will be. I have a smaller coop set up in...
  8. Rosaleen

    Silkie hen goes BUMP.......

    The other day I was bringing my hens a treat while they were out foraging. When they see me coming, they all run toward me knowing it's time for a treat. I was watching my silkie hen come around a corner and running and she just bumped into one of the raised garden beds, fell over, got up and...
  9. Rosaleen

    Rubber egg and separate yolk ????

    I have a pullet that just started laying... A perfectly formed egg without a shell and right next to it a yolk. This has happened three times over the course of the past week. I have never seen this before. All the girls get layers' feed and plenty of oyster and egg shells in their diet...
  10. Rosaleen

    Broody hen and broken eggs....

    Last night I went to 'tuck' the girls in....I close the window, do a head count, turn off the radio and put out the light. When I did the head count, one hen was missing. I found her out in the run sitting on the shelf of a large open wall unit which makes up a wall in the run (you can see...
  11. Rosaleen

    Question about turning eggs...

    I set my eggs on Nov 1. The next day I turned the eggs at 7 am and noon. I was sceduled for a two o'clock surgery on my knee and out of the day surgery unit by 6pm. Home in time to turn eggs again. I like to turn at least three times a day. The surgery didn't take place till 5pm...I also...
  12. Rosaleen

    Sometimes I just worry too much....

    Last night I had to hurry the girls into their run before dusk ( due to a family emergency ). One hen wouldn't go in so I tried to catch her but couldn't. I couldn't spend anymore time so I locked the ladies in their run knowing I'd be back in about three hours. When I returned home I went to...
  13. Rosaleen

    What's a better choice...RIR or Plymouth Barded Rock?

    A friend is giving me fertile eggs to hatch...she has RIR and Bard Rocks. As far as meat birds, which would be a better choice?
  14. Rosaleen

    I want to hatch more eggs...what's wrong with me?

    My darling little Cochin chicks are now 8 days old and happily flitting around the brooder yet I am always checking out the auction site and... I have a friend who has plenty of fertile eggs for me For free (Plymouth bard rocks and Rhode Island reds). I am sso tempted to take her up on her...
  15. Rosaleen

    What are you doing to get your coop/run ready for winter?

    I bought two 10 x 25 foot rolls of clear plastic and with trusty staple gun, put it all around my girls' run....and a separate piece for the door. This will keep the wind and snow out...there's still some gaps high up by the rafters so ventilation needs won't be a problem.I also bought some...
  16. Rosaleen

    So, what do you have in your chicken's first aid kit?

    What are your must have items in your flock's first aid kit?
  17. Rosaleen

    Anybody build their coop/run using recycled materials? Share ideas...

    Here's a place to share your ideas in using recycled materials to build comfy digs for your flock. I haven't figured out how to post pics on the forum yet but you can go to my page to see what I did.
  18. Rosaleen

    Anyone using Brinsea incubators?

    I'm thinking about buying a Brinsea Octogon 20. I'd love to get some feedback about this or other Brisnea products...which model, what you like about it, what you don't like about it etc.
  19. Rosaleen

    What not to feed layers...

    I have a neighbor who brings food scraps to my hens. I have told her the foods she could give them but often times she just throws all scraps into my yard. I would like to type up a list of the "no-no" foods. Suggestions please.....
  20. Rosaleen

    Where to purchase fertile eggs for meat birds?

    I'm thinking about spring already. A friend and I are considering sharing the tasks...I 'll incubate and she'll butcher... Anyone know where I will be able to order eggs in quantity (about 40 eggs)?
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