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  • Users: MROO
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  1. MROO


    Did you recently get on and "catch up?" The way I understand it (which may not be correct,) if you ignore the thread for awhile, it stops sending you notifications. Once you catch up, the notifications start up again.
  2. MROO


    His weren't weak or flaky. On the contrary, they were rock hard and strong. The issue was the pronounced vertical stripes typical of the breed. They camouflaged some minute surface cracks on the damaged hoof. Our farrier was concerned that they would deepen to full-blown cracks if they chipped...
  3. MROO


    Years ago, we did the same thing for my Appaloosa gelding. It looked weird and scary at first, but it didn't affect him at all. We did a few more frequent trims as the hash-line neared the tip of his toe, mainly just to keep it from flaking (Appy hooves ... zheesh!) but it worked like a charm!
  4. MROO


    You can still have a "wild" mustang. All you have to do is join the rescue chain. Contact a rescue that takes in the wildies and gentles them for adoption. It's still a rescue for you, because taking a gentled horse home frees up space for the rescue to start another one.
  5. MROO


    Y'know, Dawg ol' buddy ... if you ever find yourself in Maryland or thereabouts, I'm pretty sure DD can arrange a farm visit. If I had to pick a "best time, I'd have to say late Spring ... cuz, YOU know ... babeez!
  6. MROO


    Hangin' in there, as usual. I must say that I am NOT looking forward to school starting again, next week. I've enjoyed my summer downtime ... and middle schoolers iz CRAZY! How 'bout you? Did you go after that kennel or stable job, yet? It's a shame you don't live up this way. DD's barn is...
  7. MROO


    :frow Back atcha Dawg!! :D
  8. MROO


    OhMaGosh ... the very THOUGHT of riding soon after wisdom tooth surgery makes me cringe ... and makes my own mouth hurt! Wishing you a speedy recovery.
  9. MROO


    Why not apply for both? If you get an offer, take it. Trying it out is the best way to find out if it's a "fit" for you ... and while you're deciding, you're earning a paycheck to support your other "animal habits!" OhMaGosh - that just took me back to my high school years, when I innocently...
  10. MROO


    DO IT! DD started working part time as a stable hand a few years ago. She now works full time as a groom at a major horse facility. She makes a very livable wage with full benefits and a beautiful apartment, onsite. Better yet, she announced a few weeks ago, totally unsolicited, "Mom, I'm...
  11. MROO


    :hugsI wish you could, too. I no longer keep horses, but DD does. I get to live vicariously through her. It's not the same, but I have to admit that it's MUCH cheaper!
  12. MROO


    My FAVORITE point of view!
  13. MROO


    At our house, they're all "ponies," even the 17 handers, pronounced "PO-nyees." It's a term of endearment ... especially when they're being snots!
  14. MROO


    Is that a mass of burrs in that lovely topknot? In case anyone has to deal with those, the best (and least hair-damaging) way to get them out is to crack them with a pair of flat pliers. It breaks them into a mass of tiny slivers that can be easily finger-combed out without damaging of further...
  15. MROO


    Yes, we do ... but it's nice having options all around us. DD works at a high-end horse farm that uses New Bolton for emergencies. She's used the research and teaching resources on occasion, as well (the only way she can afford that level of care, for sure!) Still, it's great having that...
  16. MROO


    Ouch! But think of the wasted feed and supplements you'll save, now that your ladies are getting the full benefit of their dinners. Our Joey had to have major dental work, including pulled teeth, but once the pain was taken care of, he was able to eat normally, again. Our feed lasted all month...
  17. MROO


    DD's current riding partner - Melesta (Mel-EE-sta,) a retired dressage mare. A handful for virtually anyone else, she and DD are peas in a pod ... and inseparable. If Mel was human (I'm still not convinced that she isn't, secretly) these two ladies would shadow each other's moves and finish each...
  18. MROO


    This is my favorite picture of DD with her "Hot Date" for Jr. Prom a few years back. There was a two-legged counterpart, but this one stuck around a lot longer. A retired polo pony rescued from auction many years ago, Joey is currently living out his retirement on my sister's farm. He has...
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