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  1. Manyana

    Who else is waiting for that first egg?

    We free range ours all day....They are just so happy going about every day. Yes we do lose some eggs to goannas but the girls now lay in one of 2 spots and we listen out for their laying songs.
  2. Manyana

    Who else is waiting for that first egg?

    We've got 10 happy girls and are getting 8 or 9 eggs a day. Only less on the days when we aren't here to collect as they lay.....a goanna is getting those that we aren't quick at collecting. Can't do much about them though.....the girls give me an alert and I do the big mean scary thing and...
  3. Manyana

    Who else is waiting for that first egg?

    Goannas are nasty sly pieces of work. They eat the eggs whole, they scare the chooks and they can inflict quite a nasty injury to other animals and indeed to humans. If you suffer a scratch or a bite from a goanna, you can't have it stitched as they turn septic......nasty things all...
  4. Manyana

    Who else is waiting for that first egg?

    my girls all seem to be laying but we have been having some goanna trouble. We've been working on ways of keeping the goanna out of the chicken coup.....with limited success at present, but persisting.
  5. Manyana

    Who else is waiting for that first egg?

    Its still morning and I have 7 eggs so far with one of our ladies currently in the nest. They all seem to like the one nest although I've also had to keep my eyes and ears peeled for the alternate nesting sites. Lacey has decided that the footwell of the ford capri in the carport is her...
  6. Manyana

    Who else is waiting for that first egg?

    Two eggs this morning. I'll have to make some more nests for the girls because they were lined up for the one that they are using. I actually know which of the girls laid today's eggs. So exciting.
  7. Manyana

    Who else is waiting for that first egg?

    We're up to egg number 4 now and neighbours have been busy dropping in egg cartons and hints.
  8. Manyana

    Who else is waiting for that first egg?

    We've got our first egg this morning.....noticed yesterday that one of our girls had made a nice little nest.....and this morning she came out of the coop for a pick at the grain but wasn't around a little later, found her on her nest so left her in peace. Later when I took down the vege...
  9. Manyana

    Who else is waiting for that first egg?

    So exciting, I'm looking forward to our girls giving us some eggs.
  10. Manyana

    Who else is waiting for that first egg?

    Thank you all for all of this information. I've been reading up as much as I can in books for it seems like ages and I've learnt more in the last couple of weeks on line here than I've learnt from all those books.
  11. Manyana

    Who else is waiting for that first egg?

    My ladies are starting to learn the routine and are all safely tucked up in their coup, but they seem to want to wait until the light is almost gone before they make their way there.......and there is always one.....I think the same one, who is reluctant to leave the garden and make her way...
  12. Manyana

    Who else is waiting for that first egg?

    such a lot to learn.
  13. Manyana

    Who else is waiting for that first egg?

    How old are the chickens that you buy from the produce store? I'd guess they must not be point of lay???? I suppose if I rang up and asked, they would tell me, or maybe next time I go in for a bag of food, I'll ask them then..... I'll wait ever so patiently....well I'll try to. Raining today...
  14. Manyana

    Who else is waiting for that first egg?

    I only got my ladies on Tuesday. It looks like I'm in for a longish wait before we get eggs. I'm a real novice to all of this, didn't even know that their wattles and combs change colour as they come in to laying. One of our neighbours got the same kind of chickens as us a while ago, and two...
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