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  1. Spookwriter

    Green Club

    You know...You're quite right, Queen Em.... We have all been a bundle of joy in your life. And I believe I have to agree with you. It's time for you to pass out royal bundles of gifts among the peasants...
  2. Spookwriter

    Green Club

    For a farmboy, sometimes you aren't the sharpest tack in the box... Em done turned your whole farm into her own big nest...
  3. Spookwriter

    Green Club

    "Voices in the Night" sounds like a Frank Sinatra tune. One thing he does not sound like is a frog. In Spookland, there are two kinds of frogs. Big ones and little ones. Big ones hop faster and are therefore harder to catch. Spook...heading for bed.
  4. Spookwriter

    Green Club

    My uncle lived in the Tampa area for years. He missed having green grass. So he concreted his little yard and painted it green. Spook...Don't mess with a hillbilly.
  5. Spookwriter

    Green Club

    ...a whole new market for the "bucket-head" sales... Baby Bucket Heads...protects against juggling.
  6. Spookwriter

    Green Club

    BUT...can she juggle?
  7. Spookwriter

    Green Club

    On second thought Em... Just call if you need me to babysit Lily. She'll be in good hands...
  8. Spookwriter

    Green Club

    Cool !!! I always thougth you were a clown Em. Does Lily like to be juggled? Save me the brownies. Give Mississippi some popcorn and let him watch the show. Spook...who don't juggle babies anymore, on account of I was throwing baby Spook up in the air and catching her one time....and I...
  9. Spookwriter

    Green Club

    If I hear of Em feeding my brownies to some sleazy lawyer....Well, I'll be real mad at someone. Spook....always watching the brownie pan
  10. Spookwriter

    Green Club

    Em, of all the people I've met here I would probably vote you the most likely to need to plop down on the shrinks couch a few times. I've heard that you have a few...issues... Unsigned (not the Spook...I didn't say that)
  11. Spookwriter

    Green Club

    Pabst Blue Ribbon? As you could figure, it doesn't take long for the Spook to get three sheets in the wind. And I've only got my summer sheet on now. To much to drink and I begin to leak. Spook
  12. Spookwriter

    Green Club

    Since we're all being honest here, I tell you I've never seen a shrink one time in my life. I'm not crazy. I'm just the way I am. But I think that there are some people here that a few trips on the shrink's couch could do a a world of good for. I don't like to talk about people but just...
  13. Spookwriter

    Green Club

    I hereby nominate my dear wife for the position of "Royal Shrink". Good at it. She has made all of my clothes shrink...
  14. Spookwriter

    Green Club

    I'm a sick man...said the Spook and now I'm off to bed. A tired sick man
  15. Spookwriter

    Green Club

    Please don't ask why...just know that I am the way I am. No joke...the mirror in the hall is one of those famous prop mirrors...Motion activated, the face fades in and it talks. Mirror mirror on the wall... Turned off right now. But you should see the reactions it gets when my daughters...
  16. Spookwriter

    Green Club

    Spook has a mirror. Spook has no reflection. Spook has trouble combing his three hairs.
  17. Spookwriter

    Green Club

    No small honor, George. You have every right to be proud.
  18. Spookwriter

    Green Club

    Glad you mentioned that. I forgot. Use a big box. Send my rocking chair.
  19. Spookwriter

    Green Club

    "I have fresh donuts, and brownies, cake, and twinkies...." said Em, batting her eyes coyly. "Prove it", Spook said. "Put it in a box and sent it to me." I'll bite...but I can't be caught
  20. Spookwriter

    Green Club

    Em...the kids that ride the short bus are "special". I am the Spook. I am faster than a speeding cougar... can't catch me.
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