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  1. elizabethbinary

    Chicken (Poultry) Addiction Anonymous *Chat Thread*

    I love my husband sososososo much. I called him and said, "I'M SORRY!" first thing. He said... whaaaaat. "You see, I was looking for those spangled hamburgs, right? And like...see this guy, he's selling his blue ribbon trio for sixty dollars.. and he just HAPPENED to have a golden pheasant...
  2. elizabethbinary

    Chicken (Poultry) Addiction Anonymous *Chat Thread*

    Oh man sometimes I am SO jealous of my birds.. I just cleaned the fridge and omg.. cheese drawer was not fairing so well. Half a WHEEL of camembert, havarti, swiss, manchego... all gone! They also got goat curry, half a leftover roast chicken from a picnic, 4 jars of slightly furry homemade...
  3. elizabethbinary

    Chicken (Poultry) Addiction Anonymous *Chat Thread*

    I have a buff Americauna (easter egger or WHAT HAVE YOU!) and they are SO clucky!!! (broody for y'all Americans!) My husband LOVES her (Natalie is her name) but she's laid us a whole eight eggs in the eight months she's been alive - and has been broody 3 times.
  4. elizabethbinary

    Chicken (Poultry) Addiction Anonymous *Chat Thread*

    Quote: Ha ha...I'm sending another BYCer some eggs to put under her "air hatching" broody! She says her hen is perpetually broody. fair. Whenever somebody wants a broody hen, the nest boxes are, for the most part, chickenless. Page 111! Make a wish! And when someone wants...
  5. elizabethbinary

    Chicken (Poultry) Addiction Anonymous *Chat Thread*

    Quote: Not bad! Not bad. Again...I'm more chicken than my chickens. I just can't do it yet. I promised a friend of mine we would try Silkie Chicken and Dumplings. I can't use one of my own Silkies though. Gonna have to use someone elses. Thanks! Luckily they weren't *my* chickens so I...
  6. elizabethbinary

    Chicken (Poultry) Addiction Anonymous *Chat Thread*

    My hands smell like chicken processing. I successfully killed my first chicken, gutted a further 8 and cleaned all of them properly for dinner. This will be my freshest chicken I've ever had. <3 (Also silkies are WAY meatier than I thought!)
  7. elizabethbinary

    Chicken (Poultry) Addiction Anonymous *Chat Thread*

    Oh wow those are cuties!!!! I'm killing my first roosters today! I've got TWELVE to do my first time! Gotta go pick them up now. YAY! Some are silkies! This'll be interesting. (Mmmm some are Plymouths though....) I can't believe free meat was this easy and I only got the idea from...
  8. elizabethbinary

    Chicken (Poultry) Addiction Anonymous *Chat Thread*

    I did it I did it I did it! I went through ads for free roosters and this guy is giving away 10 or so per MONTH. That was my frist call. He agreed to make a deal to call us first so we can always pick up all of them, process and 10 chooks in the freezer for one nice afternoon of work! I...
  9. elizabethbinary

    Chicken (Poultry) Addiction Anonymous *Chat Thread*

    Quote: Welcome! I'm not familiar with the Isa Browns, but it's funny how people find their favorite. I have several favorites for several different reasons. My favorite "pet" is my Buff Orpington. She is an inquisitive love. I hope to get into showing silkies though. That's interesting...
  10. elizabethbinary

    Chicken (Poultry) Addiction Anonymous *Chat Thread*

    Thanks! now I can join into the actual conversation! It's already Christmas here but we're Jewish so we're having Jewish movie day!! Heehee. Rented a whole heap of crappy movies and I'll be baking up naughty things. Nothing else to do since the husband is on holidays and I don't have work...
  11. elizabethbinary

    Chicken (Poultry) Addiction Anonymous *Chat Thread*

    Hi my name is Elizabeth and I'm a chookaddict. I was supposed to have 3. I'm not entirely sure how many I have. Around 30. I'm allowed to have 25 on a 800 sq. metre block where I live. I live on a 799 square metre block. But I asked the council and they said they'd count it at 800 for...
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