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  1. frenchiegirl21

    2017 Groundhog Day Hatch-a-long!

    So I have a total of 28 chicks so far. 2 eggs pipped on the wrong end and didn't make it, and 5 eggs are still up in the air. They were alive at lockdown but haven't done anything yet. I'll give them a few more days before I make room for the next batch But still, and 80% hatch rate (28 live...
  2. frenchiegirl21

    2017 Groundhog Day Hatch-a-long!

    And then there were 24 with 5 more unzipping! Here is a photo of the mass movement of the first 21 They filled up the incubator real quick!
  3. frenchiegirl21

    2017 Groundhog Day Hatch-a-long!

    My chicks are hatching! :D :D :D I've got 5 so far - 3 cochin and two silkie :)
  4. frenchiegirl21

    2017 Groundhog Day Hatch-a-long!

    So, it turns out my thermometer probe was touching one of the eggs..... So my incubator was actually too cold! I've got it fixed now, but man I hate it when this happens! Right before lock down every hatch the incubator freaks out a little. Thankfully I should still get a good hatch. I will...
  5. frenchiegirl21

    2017 Groundhog Day Hatch-a-long!

    Ugh, my incubator spiked to 102 last night I stop turning tomorrow, so hopefully the chicks are still ok!
  6. frenchiegirl21

    2017 Groundhog Day Hatch-a-long!

    I use a Hovabator 1602 N. Once you get it calibrated and stable it holds temp quite well. It does need to stay away from windows and drafts (hence mine being in my closet) but I consistently get 75% or better hatches. It is a butt to clean, but it is affordable and reliable for most people. No...
  7. frenchiegirl21

    2017 Groundhog Day Hatch-a-long!

    Me too lol. I am also incubating in my closet because it has the least drafts, so my candling while also holding the incubator lid may not have been accurate.
  8. frenchiegirl21

    2017 Groundhog Day Hatch-a-long!

    I've got 35 out of 42 developing! Woohoo! I left the other 7 in just in case. Mainly I didn't have a trash bag reaady lol
  9. frenchiegirl21

    2017 Groundhog Day Hatch-a-long!

    Today is day 7 for my bantam eggs! Hooray! But I won't be home for another 4 hours at least so I cannot candle for fertility yet Oh well, I have my first animal science lab today and we are going over nutrition. Wonder what they will say about chickens?
  10. frenchiegirl21

    2017 Groundhog Day Hatch-a-long!

    There are lots of people in my area that want laying hens. My school schedule this semester won't allow me to get a regular job, so I sell pullets on the side for extra money The eggs go in tonight!!!! I ended up with a full 42 eggs to set Even though it is "winter" (I live in Texas, so...
  11. frenchiegirl21

    2017 Groundhog Day Hatch-a-long!

    Thank you! The bantam chicks are for customers. Hopefully I will get a good hatch!
  12. frenchiegirl21

    2017 Groundhog Day Hatch-a-long!

    Hello!!!!! I will be setting 36+ cochin, frizzle cochin, and silkie bantam eggs on Tuesday And after that I am hoping to get some crested cream legbar eggs from a lady locally to hatch. And maybe some turkey eggs..... My incubator runs pretty much non-stop from January to June lol.
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