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  1. microchick

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    Red suddenly dropped weight in spite of having a very healthy appetite. Wattles and comb turned white and dry. I tried worming with both a coccidia treatment and then a general wormer. No change. No cough, no discharge from eyes or nostrils. We switched him to a broad spectrum antibiotic. With...
  2. microchick

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    She hasn't started to lay yet and I'm not expecting her to until spring given her slow development. I have two Buff O Welsummer crosses that were from the same hatch and they have done so much maturing the past month that I wouldn't be surprised if they are not at POL by the end of next month...
  3. microchick

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    Thanks. I have been waiting for a nice sunny day to get some pictures. It was nice yesterday but every moment outside was spoken for and now it is raining. Her feathers are so unlike the Buff's in that they are very soft and long, almost like an English Orpington. Her sire was a beautiful LO...
  4. microchick

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    I have a question. I have an almost 6 month old pullet from a Lavender Orpington cockerel over a Buff O hen. Here she is at about 12 weeks of age: She was about 8 weeks old when these pictures were taken. She is a very beautiful little girl. The black neck feathers have been replaced with...
  5. microchick

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    Amazing picture and beautiful hen. The name Bella certainly suits her well. My husband is a photographer and compliments you on the use of snow as a natural light reflector. What kind of camera are you using? When they look for pictures this next fall for the 2018 BYC calendar, you seriously...
  6. microchick

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    My hens are 20 months old. Do I think they are still growing? Not so I can tell but they are in their first molt and do look a lot 'bulkier' as in Fluffier. My rooster died in the spring but his three sons are 9 months old and still growing. I have heard one crow and all are showing an interest...
  7. microchick

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    X2 Wyorp Rock. My main flock is 20 months old now and enjoying their first molt. I've been giving mine sunflower seeds to boost their protein and trace vitamins along with rooster booster in their drinking water. I'm amazed at how pretty their new feathers are. The only problem I've had is...
  8. microchick

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    Thanks. Does anybody know where the white faces are figuring in on my BO youngsters? All three pullets in this hatch have white faces when they feather out. Possibly a little Columbian genes popping through? When they get their adult feathers goes away but it sure makes them curious looking.
  9. microchick

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    Thanks Wyorp Rock. Here is Lil'Girl and her babies at 6 weeks: I got three pure blooded Buff Orp pullets and 4 OEGB pullets out of this hatching. The OEGB eggs came from our Amish neighbor. 7 pullets out of 7 chicks! What are the odds? As you can see, Lil'Girl came by her name honestly. Her...
  10. microchick

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    I let my momma hen Lil'Girl and her 8 week old chicks out with the main flock today for the first time. It was amusing to see this sweet, motherly little hen go all Chuck Norris on any hen and or young cockerel who came to investigate the new comers up close. It was pretty impressive to see her...
  11. microchick

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    It's always the cute ones.
  12. microchick

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    The roosters are Buff O cockerel over Welsummer hens and the pullets are Welsummer cockerels over Buff O hens as my Buff O senior cockerel died in the spring. I have two more cockerels and two more pullets that were hatched in June that I am suspecting once again were Welly roo over Buff O...
  13. microchick

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    Yep, sure do. Here are my Buff O Welly boys wen they were about 12 weeks old: I have 5 of these boys. They are sweet natured and big. I need to get some adult pictures of them but they have the most beautiful copper and gold feathers with the traditional Welsummer blue/green sickle tail...
  14. microchick

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    Give him time. He will learn. Right now he is just a hormonal teenager. Completely normal behavior for a young cockerel.
  15. microchick

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    @henmania,that is SO adorable. Mine haven't done anything like that thank goodness. This summer though at about 7:30 all the older flock (older meaning 16 months old compared to 4 months old) would head inside to squabble over the best roost spots and the youngsters from the Feb. hatch would...
  16. microchick

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    I was able to break her only to have her go broody again the first of February. I gave in that time and she hatched 8 healthy chicks. They did fine but it was hard on Aggie. She lost a lot of weight generating all that extra heat in cold temps. We finally rigged a heat lamp for her and the...
  17. microchick

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    Mine have surpassed that point. I just wish they would fish or cut bait. Except now we are well into October and winter isn't that far away. I have one little BO hen who went broody two weeks before Christmas last year. After Lil'Girl hatched out her brood on the 11th of September I told DH...
  18. microchick

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    WYORP ROCK, I have two BO hens that do the same thing. They walk around singing and fluffed up, stay on the nest for a few hours until they lay and then they are out of there. They even tuck eggs under themselves as yours do. I also have a Speckled Sussex that does the same thing. Little...
  19. microchick

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    Very pretty! Mine are going into full molt right now. Poor babies are finding it hard to be gorgeous when they only have one tail feather sticking out of their backsides and a few feathers for wings. The funniest one has a full set of neck feathers and very little else from the neck down. She...
  20. microchick

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    Here is my first time broody, Lil'Girl with her chicks 3/4 days old. She hatched 3 Buff Orpington chicks and 5 Old English Game Bird chicks. You can see one of the little gold nuggets on the far side of the scrambled eggs. Outside of a broody poop accident in the first few days she did a good...
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