*Buff Orpington Thread!*

My late February girls still aren't laying... *sigh*

I do love how pretty my cockerel is though. Except he's kind of a rogue and doesn't dance or court the girls, he just kind of runs them down. Don't know how much of a problem that's going to be...

Give him time. He will learn. Right now he is just a hormonal teenager. Completely normal behavior for a young cockerel.

Thanks! I really don't want to replace him, but I will if he doesn't get his act together by next year. I have no patience for a bully, especially not when he's the size of a turkey already
My 6-months old BO rooster is like that. He still chases the girls. All 3 hens run from him. He's especially full of himself first thing in the morning. He does dance and step, especially for me! I'm like, "Sorry buddy, I think you're a hunk, but I can't help ya!" He's settled down slot in the last couple of months though. He's trying, as I'm sure yours will also improve. I agree with "the hormonal teenager" comment.
My youngest took until he turned two this year to behave himself better, remember that they are slow maturing. When hormones flare next early spring expect more bad behaviors.
Little Eng Buff mottled orpington pullet. Really adored her. No idea why I sold her off. If I was able to get anymore buffs to hatch like this would anyone be interested?

She was from pure English buff orpington parents. I was reading on why she hatched like this and read that many English Buff orps have 'hidden genes' because buffs were crossed to so many different colors that cause random pop ups like this little gal. She was very unusual and I thought she was a cull so sold her off as a layer pullet, really regret that decision.
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