*Buff Orpington Thread!*

I think you will be happy with them.

I only have two Buff Girls, they are both sweet, but have distinct personalities.  One is quiet, lady like and very gentle.  The other one is named Lucy (I Love Lucy) - she very much fits that description - wants to be seen AND heard, gentle and digs all.day.long...she digs holes, lots of them -- the other girls wait and then dust bathe in them.  She makes a ruckus when someone takes over a hole she is working on, it quite a daily scene.  Love to watch them all.
I love my birds too! Who knew chickens could be so entertaining?!!! Lol
My only full grown hens right now are production reds. They are super sweet too! They come when I call them, follow me around the yard, and want to be on me if possible. Love them to pieces

I just recently bought an assortment of 20 chicks, so I could see what some of the other breeds are like. So far, the sweetest chick in the bunch is a Barred Rock. At just a week old she started jumping on my hand and runs up my arm to be near me. The next friendliest chicks would be my Buff girls.
For anyone possibly following the stray chicken story.

He crowed loud and clear today.

Anyone near mn need a mostly friendly rooster?
I just need him to look like he has a new home with other chickens too appease the 4 year old. Then they can eat him (as long as i don't know)

There is heart break here
Months ago my friend Marcia, a most talented maker of baskets crafted this broody hen carrying basket for me and we have it hanging on a beam in our 240 year old house. Today my husband put one of our buffs, Hannah in it and they both looked so darn cute, I grabbed the camera and took this photo! (No, she is not broody, but she sure seemed to like being carried about and all the attention from 'dad'!)

Question for you all - I have heard BOs start laying on the later side. This here is Fancy Pants who is just about 18 weeks and has had a huge amount of comb/wattle development over the last week or so. Any chance she is close to laying? My other buff isn't quite as advanced. This one definitely has a wider rear end going on too!
Ooh I'm so excited! Guess I can put the fake eggs in the nest boxes! None of my other pullets are close at all. They have grown up with a rooster (cockerel - same age). Does that make them mature earlier?
A rooster won't make a difference. Things like breed, time of year, protein consumption and basic biology and breeding determine start dates. I prefer mine to mature more slowly and fully and to be physically ready to lay eggs to prevent problems down the road.
Yeah, I wasn't expecting this early at all. She's eating the same food as the others. They're on a high protein grower feed plus lots of free ranging. I also thought they would mature later since the days are getting so short but this one surprised me.

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