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  1. searlus

    cayuga duck thread

    Here are the last ones we have left.[/IMG]
  2. searlus

    cayuga duck thread

    Well we ended up having 4 girls, 2 boys and one that couldn't really tell. We kept two females, one of triplets with the white wing tips and the baby brown one. Not sure how we got brown from black and white parents but ok lol. And in good news all the other 5 are sold and the last two are going...
  3. searlus

    cayuga duck thread

    Beautiful. Love it when they ruffle up like that
  4. searlus

    cayuga duck thread

    Hopefully I can get them all sold this winter, they sell easy in the spring but not sure about now.
  5. searlus

    cayuga duck thread

    So far it's been friends. Once they make their picks the others will go on Facebook most likely
  6. searlus

    cayuga duck thread

    We are going to keep two of the female hatchlings, a friend of ours grew up on a ranch and knows how to sex hatchlings. I've read on how to do it but am not comfortable doing it myself. I have 3 of the other 5 sold already
  7. searlus

    cayuga duck thread

    Yeah I love their little chirps, wish it was warmer so they could be outside. Luckily most of them are going to other homes so I won't have 7 in the house all winter.
  8. searlus

    cayuga duck thread

    Yeah I've read a lot about them. That's why I was so glad both of our crested ended up being males. As pretty as the cresteds are I wouldn't have bought them knowing what caused the crest. I was comfortable mating them with our Cayuga because genetics says that only 25% of the hatchlings should...
  9. searlus

    cayuga duck thread

    We bought them as ducklings. No problems when they were young. And so far the only hatchlings that have the crest are Don and Miracle, all the others appear to be normal.
  10. searlus

    cayuga duck thread

    Haha I love the name Tiny! Yeah I love their crests. The two crested ducks are the Drakes that fertilized the eggs, they both had pretty good size crests.
  11. searlus

    cayuga duck thread

    Here are the Magnificent Seven This is Don (because his crest currently makes it look like Don King) This is Miracle, Miracle was stuck in its shell and we had to help it out. We haven't come up with a name for #3 yet. Here are the triplets, Huey, Dewey, and Louie. And the grey one hasn't...
  12. searlus

    cayuga duck thread

    Unfortunately, it didn't make it. Not only could I not see any movement in the egg when I candles it, the little one never changed position between candling. As for the Magnificent Seven, they are doing great! They are in two separate brooders otherwise there wouldn't be enough space for them...
  13. searlus

    cayuga duck thread

    7 has met the other three little ones (Huey, Dewey and Louie) but not the bigger ones yet. #8 I believe has passed away before hatching. We were gone today, out in the mountains finding our Christmas tree, and when we got home the thermometer and humidity gauge that controls the incubator had...
  14. searlus

    cayuga duck thread

    According to schedule should start pipping tonight or tomorrow. Looking really good candling
  15. searlus

    cayuga duck thread

    Never, again. Lol. It was a lot of fun but once time came for lockdown and we had to manually turn the eggs and trying to find a happy medium with humidity it was just craziness. I did love giving each hatchling individual attention as they hatched but from here on out I'm going with a smaller...
  16. searlus

    cayuga duck thread

    Duckling #7 and only one egg to go
  17. searlus

    cayuga duck thread

    It's seen them and they chirp at each other, both brooder are side by side. It's with its younger subs now though.
  18. searlus

    cayuga duck thread

    Here is a link to the video of the latest two Hatchlings
  19. searlus

    cayuga duck thread

    Just a little preview of a video I'm going to be making
  20. searlus

    cayuga duck thread

    Little one is doing good. Found it's legs and no spraddle so yay!
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