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  1. trochefarm


    I haven't been on the BYC forum in a very LONG time, and have not read the more than 2500 missed posts, but I really wanted to address this. Hopefully I haven't repeated someone else's advice. Latestarter, I don't know how many chickens you have and how big your setup is. One thing I have...
  2. trochefarm


    Wow. Those must have gone fast! I was just down there today, and all they have are turkeys and Cornish.
  3. trochefarm


    LOL. Your mention of Rhubarb Cake has caused quite the stir! I had to look up a recipe and made one last night. Had Rhubarb Cake and coffee for breakfast. YUM!
  4. trochefarm


    I like that!
  5. trochefarm


    Oh my! Those are definitely on my "must have some day" list. Unfortunately, I'm already over my limit on chickens. :-( (But I really REALLY want them.) We just bought 40 acres in Kiowa, though, so maybe I'll be able to add to my flock soon. :-) Is this the "year of the broodies"? My...
  6. trochefarm


    Ok, I know this discussion was over "days" ago, but I was so relieved to hear I wasn't the only one having problems with mice. We used all sorts of premade and home made traps. I fought them all last year...and lost that battle. Until, we built a "new" and improved coop, and enclosed the run...
  7. trochefarm


    Blue Andalusian?
  8. trochefarm


    I have two Faverolles in my mixed flock. It was a challenge getting the RIRs to accept them (or any of the younger girls). I ended up separating the RIRs until the others started laying, then moved the RIRs into the setup (established by the newcomers). Everything is quiet and they all get...
  9. trochefarm


    I've been reading, with interest, all the talk on land/pasture/water, etc. We're looking for land, as well. We've been focused on the Elbert County area, for the most part. The whole well thing has been hard for me to follow. My realtor is trying to help me figure it out. I tell him what I...
  10. trochefarm


    Thanks for the info! :-)
  11. trochefarm


    I don't know that I would be so quick to judge. I don't know that I could do it that way, but there are many ways people use to "kill" chickens. Chopping the head with an axe, wringing the neck and pulling it off, using the cone....all of these seem cruel to some people. But I doubt many...
  12. trochefarm


    Do we have a date for the coop tour, yet?
  13. trochefarm


    I can't count the number of times someone has said, "I will never keep chickens. Chickens are dirty!" Something about growing up with them, or grandparents having them. I'm not sure how their families kept their chickens, but it's hard to convince them they can be clean.
  14. trochefarm


    My back yard is surrounded by a six-foot wood fence. We needed that just to keep our escape-artist dogs "in" the yard! Silver Foxes would be great! I had been focused on Californias, but the Silvers would work! I would hate to waste that fur, though. I might need to learn a new skill and...
  15. trochefarm


    I'm definitely interested! So excited! :-D
  16. trochefarm


    I'm right there with you! I'm in there every other day to see what chicks they have. I already have more than I should, so I'm resisting the urge. All this talk of hatching chicks isn't helping. lol. Good thing my husband tore our brooder apart to use the wood for something else! On...
  17. trochefarm


    Wendy, where do you order your trees? My catalogs all say they won't send plum, peach, apricot, nectarine, or cherry trees to Colorado.
  18. trochefarm


    Welcome! I know there are differing opinions on this, but all of my girls are from local feed stores. I have been lucky and have always ended up with pullets. I've only ever lost one (out of 12) to sudden death. If you're just starting out, it's a great (and inexpensive) way to get started...
  19. trochefarm


    That's a sight I never see....chickens walking "on/in" the snow. My dainty girls won't go anywhere near the white stuff!
  20. trochefarm


    Sorry I haven't responded sooner. I don't get the chance to log in very often any more. So, it helps if your property backs up to a green space (not that I know anything about that ). If your closest neighbors are easy-going and don't look for things to complain about, that helps. I don't...
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