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  1. vehve

    Stella's Social Club

    Diva, scary at first, but luckily a happy ending. Nice pictures of the goats, they look really cute. I find the thought of keeping bees very interesting, but I'm not sure I would be up for all the work. I think I'll continue to buy my honey.
  2. vehve

    Stella's Social Club

    Hugelkultur is something I'd like to try too. Actually, if I can convince the other half we need a hugelkultur bed, I might set one up somewhere, the neighbor just took down a couple of huge birches and has about 20 cubic yards of branches he needs to get rid of. I'm sure he wouldn't mind giving...
  3. vehve

    Stella's Social Club

    Nice looking rye bread. Doesn't look that dark to me though, but I don't think 100% rye bread is eaten much outside the Nordic countries. Why not start a compost pile with them, Diva?
  4. vehve

    Stella's Social Club

    That's actually not a bad idea. Band practice is a bit difficult over skype because of the delay, but piano lessons don't have the same issue.
  5. vehve

    Stella's Social Club

    Eva, that was some nice playing... reminds me of when I took lessons. I was a lazy student though, never practiced enough. Nowadays I just play by ear.
  6. vehve

    Stella's Social Club

    Mayo based? That sounds so weird it's probably good. I usually make mine by gently frying some garlic in olive oil on low heat. Then I add about a cup of brown sugar, and let it fry a bit. Then I add a cup of ketchup, some white wine vinegar or apple wine vinegar, and a good pour of whiskey...
  7. vehve

    Stella's Social Club

    Anyone make their own BBQ sauce? I like to make one with ketchup, brown sugar and whiskey, plus some spices.
  8. vehve

    Stella's Social Club

    Happy, simply beautiful.
  9. vehve

    Stella's Social Club

    Or then it substitutes with words you use commonly...
  10. vehve

    Stella's Social Club

    Nice egg. I'm curious, how does one wow a lawn? Flamboyant clothing? Maybe some sort of performance? Sorry you're still under the weather. Have a cookie.
  11. vehve

    Stella's Social Club

    I mostly just use Maldon salt, it's delicious. I do have some black salt too. No stinky cheese, but I do have some Parmesan and Chevre in the fridge. And Emmental (9 months old) and some cheapo cream based soft cheese. No truffle anything, it's overrated. And I dislike bitters.
  12. vehve

    Stella's Social Club

    If I ever get tired of having a breakfast table in the kitchen I might just put higher legs on it. It's solid oak, made from what was left of the countertops after I sawed them to size, it would actually make a quite decent butchers block table, only drawback is that it's only 2 feet wide.
  13. vehve

    Stella's Social Club

    I'd like to have one of those enormous cutting board table islands, with a rack for pots and pans hanging above it. No space for that either...
  14. vehve

    Stella's Social Club

    I feel that it's best to avoid splashes in the kitchen - I dislike cleaning them. But if you have to splash, do it on the floor, the dogs will take care of it then. I would need to clean our back splashes properly, loads of grease on them at the moment, especially by the stove.
  15. vehve

    Stella's Social Club

    Oh, about the fennel. I made some fennel soup in the weekend, I used one bulb of fennel, 4 potatoes, one carrot, some onion, some chicken stock, some white wine and some cream. Bled the chopped onion first, then added all the other ingredients diced except for the cream, and at the end I put it...
  16. vehve

    Stella's Social Club

    The texture is like water melon, but it has slightly more taste and is sweeter. It's delicious in plain yoghurt together with pineapple.
  17. vehve

    Stella's Social Club

    Nice color progression, interesting how the first one has no blooming.
  18. vehve

    Stella's Social Club

    If it really was arson, I can't believe who could do such a thing. Locking something up and leaving it to burn is beyond cruel. Horrible. Regarding the fennel, roasting it in the oven with root fruits works nicely, just put some oil and salt on top of everything. I've also had delicious fennel...
  19. vehve

    Stella's Social Club

    Very nice.
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