Transporting a rooster and hen?


Apr 27, 2015
This Sunday im getting a full grown rooster & hen. The lady im getting them from, who I've also gotten all 10 of the chickens I've ever had (2 got eaten by a raccoon, hence getting another roo and hen) lives about an hour away. When I got my original 8 pullets they were four weeks old and they came home with me in a cardboard fruit box with straw shavings. When I got my rooster and another pullet at two days old they came home in a shoebox with wood shavings. I've never transferred full grown birds. I drive a two door Honda civic so no room for a dog crate. I was hoping I could put them in a box that I could put in my lap on the passenger seat but I don't think that will be enough room for them? The male is a blue cuckoo marans and I don't know what breed of female I am getting yet. I have some cat crates but I don't think they are tall enough for the chickens to stand up in them and I don't want them to have to be crouched for an hour plus ride home.
The boxes they use to ship tomatoes in would work. It really won't hurt them to have to crouch for an hour. Or just so by a shipping store and pick up one or two boxes that will fit in your car.

The other option is to wrap each in a towel and cuddle them on your lap. Or just let them loose in the car. You would not be the first person to have loose chickens in your car on this forum!
Cat crates work fine. I've used cat crates to transport one of my Shamo in the past - Shamo are the 2nd tallest chicken breed in the world, and this particular hen is 1 foot, 9 inches when standing all the way up.

They will lie on their breast during the ride. Most chickens do, since it's difficult for them to balance in a moving car.

A cardboard box works OK too, just be sure it closes all the way, and is sturdy enough to handle a chicken trying to burst out the top of it (no torn or badly bent flaps, etc.)

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