What Mystery Breeds did I get? :)


In the Brooder
5 Years
Oct 8, 2014
Tully, New York
Okay back in April we got 14 new birds, unfortunately we lost a few of them to Hawks. And while I knew what most of them were, I don't know what these remaining four are! I have a 5th, that's a Pioneer, I think, but I can't get a good shot of her, she's hanging out in a nest box today and says that Snow is too evil for her tastes.

Anyways, I'm curious as to what we ended up with! ^.^ I've tried to get the best photos possible.

This is our Rooster, he's got a pretty fancy looking comb, soft downy feathers underneath (the white at the base of the tail)

This is one of the hens, her name is molly and yesh, she's a little muddy XD and very petite

Another photo of Molly

This is She Who Roosts in Trees - when they were free ranging it, before the hawks, we'd find her in the branches of a pine tree about six feet up. She is also very petite.

Another view of She Who Roosts in Trees

and finally:

This is Ms Fancy Pants. She loves to brood, has feathered feet (like, REALLY, feathered) and is petite but fluffy as all get out!
It looks like u have a rose comb bantam.
A egyptian fayoumis a silver gray dorking. and a partridge brahma or cochin what kind of comb does it have??
The last one doesn't have much of a comb at all! It's barely there, thin, and looks single.
I thought the rose comb bantams were blue, black or white, though? not his funky red!
I zoomed in on the partridge bird and am going with brahma. And the top roo is a buff something rose comb.

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