Surviving Minnesota!

It is possible it was a turkeycide. He was really cramped in the corner and he had blood on his head.

Now Holm this is for you to figure out... The first question is multiple choice the rest are essay.

Farmer Ralphie has been married to the daughter of the wicked witch of the south for nigh on forever. The WWD (wicked witches daughter) finds her favorite Tom was beaten by 3 turkeys, 2 blues and a lavender.

The WWD demands sweet innocent Farmer Ralphie put three Toms on death row and fatten them up. Farmer Ralphie sells a blue turkey to Mr Harris. Mr Harris is happy to get the Tom and pays way too much for a hen also. Farmer Ralphie is happy. The WWD is not as she wanted to watch the Blue lose his head.

After this sale how many turkeys are on death row?

a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 5

What color are the turkeys on death row at this point: ( careful trick question)


When Farmer Ralphie comes home for a important dangerous mission he finds a turkey shoved into the corner of death row, the turkey was blue. And was Bluer from lack of O2.

1) What color was the turkey (in 14 words or less)...

2) Do you think it was murder of suicide?
Defend your answer.

3) If it was murder who would be the prime suspects? Remember Farmer Ralphie was not there, but the WWD was and she had already expressed the desire to see the turkey dead.

4) after the death of the 2 blue turkeys, what color was the turkey that was left on death row?

5) Do you think Farmer Ralphie should release the --------fill in the blank------- colored turkey and why?

and for extra credit...

How should Farmer Ralphie tell the WWD he has released the last turkey? Where should Farmer Ralphie sleep where he can be assured of awaking in the morning?
Question #1 is B

Question #2 is a Blue and Lavender

Question #3. #1 a Blue, #2 I believe it was suicide. WWD is to kind to murder a poor turkey. #3 Since I think it was suicide I will skip this. #4 Lavender. #5 I think the Lavender should be released so JJ and the other tom can teach him a lesson! Or they will all live in peace!

Extra credit question- I believe u should sleep in a jail cell where the cops can hopefully keep u safe from WWD... If we dont hear from u by 10:00 a.m. tomorrow we will send flowers to your house.
here you go kiddo... just click the link
Haha, oh I didn't know that! Thanks!

Ralphie, you have me cracking up here!!
Nathan is going to have some xbreds, but they will not be Maiden Rocks. It would take divine intervention to recreate them at this point I think? Jerry, are you up for a challenge?

Ralphie, did the Tom turkey hang himself in the fence?
Within 5 or so generations they will be hard to distinguish from the Maiden Rocks, but as you know Maiden Rocks have never been completed.
We've had ticks out now for 5/6 weeks, the chickens just can't get them all. It's a heavily infested area.

What I wonder about is, you take a dog to the vet and in 5 minutes they can tell you if they are infected but a person ? they can't tell, they have to send the test out etc. 

I'm thinking they get away with it because the dog can't talk back. I've heard so many stories of people with ailments chalked up to this or that which ended up being Lymes. And diagnoses where they are asymptomatic for many years. >shrugs< It makes me wonder. My son does have flare ups, but I printed off a little booklet and I can tell before it gets too bad. We did the antibiotics initially, and I'm very glad we did, but I avoid them as much as possible. This is our #4, the last time I had to administer antibiotics was with #1 as an infant. Anyhow, if it helps anyone, when I see the beginnings of a flare up, I give high doses of vitamin D, a super B complex with C, and keep him off any sugar or simple carbs for a week or two. He gets back in check pretty quickly, but I'm glad that diagnosis is on his record, so I can walk in, explain, and get the antibiotics if warranted. Hope that helps someone.

Jerry, I am not much for posting pictures, primarily because I don't take the time to create them. The Maiden Rock is a bantam breed which was developed by Dan Powell.  His mailing address was Maiden Rock, Wi although he lived on a farm much closer to Plum City.  the best source of info related to them is on the internet web site One Earth  Which is still up though not maintained for some years.  If you go to the Chicken section and bantams there is a link for Maiden Rocks.  I have a Citron Spangled hen which looks much like the one in photos on that site.
Dan and his partner sold their farm and Dan liquidated his Llama herd and got rid of all of his chickens.  The last time I communicated with Dan he had relocated to New Zealand.
When Dan got out his remaining Maiden Rocks and Silver Spangled McGraws went to Nathans brother Ryan.  I refused to take them and Dan seemed convinced that Ryan although young would keep them going.  This turned out not to be the case.
The Maiden rocks were beautiful little birds which layed blue eggs.  It is unfortunate that they have disappeared as Dan spent quite some time, effort and money to develop them, and he did not share with anyone that I am aware of all the breeds he used in their development.  They would be good foo foo birds for Ralphie with the blue eggs, but that is not to be. 

Our neighbors are from Plum City! Small world!
So, has this breed essentially died out? What a shame! They are lovely, and blue eggs to boot!

My mom doesn't trust them anymore because her parents bought from them and they had 4 orders in a row die off.

I know plenty have good luck with the big guys. For personal reasons (not judging or knocking!), I buy locally or from Sunnnyside in WI, Cackle in MO, and Sandhill Preservation in IA. Just throwing that out there if you want to go another route at some point. I do hope MM can make things right by you.

I'm rearranging, and rebuilding the inside of my coop this summer and spring, so far this is what I plan on doing.
**Not to scale
**I'm getting rid of my ducks, so I can have a better setup for my chickens


I like it! I would suggest adding a droppings board under the roosts. It has simplified coop cleaning immensely for me. I put an inch or two of barn lime on the board and it seems to keep the smell and flies down. I only muck out the deep litter when I want some for the garden. Muck isn't even the right word, it's nice stuff. Very pleasant to work with. Overall design is very nice, though. :)
I sell natures perfect tick destroyers.  I should have some as soon as they decide to start laying..  Complimentary ear plugs with every 50 keets...

What a day you've had, too! Sorry about your Tom :( I'm glad you got the little CL.
You sound like me talking to the rest of the fam about crazy chicken lady things! "No, no, I REALLY have to do this!"

I was wondering if anyone knows if Guinea hens are laying yet. I found tear drop shaped eggs. I would really like to know if they are or not.

That looks like a guinea egg to me. They have a longer incubation period than chickens, just in case you didn't know. :) Good luck! Another guinea owner!


My Guineas have not started laying yet.

I am going say that is a malformed chicken egg. A guinea is more square on the back side, or flat.. or It just does not look right to me. I thought I had one a few weeks ago, I did not.

And Holm, my money is on the WWD doing it after all, she cannot help her nature and she is a WWD.


Lady and her cute little baby. She gave 1 gallon of milk yesterday from 1 quarter so we only took half a gallon from her other quarter. And little baby gets hind quarters! All in all we got 1½ gallons!
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