Call ducks personality


6 Years
Mar 22, 2013
I already have several ducks and chickens. I am adding 2-3 call ducks in a month or so. I am getting them for my toddler daughter and hoping they will bond with her and turn out to be "pets"allowing her to hold them or follow her around. Anyone know how friendly they typically are or if I am just dreaming here?

Good luck with your ducks but having a toddler around them when they are the smallest domestic breed of duck is not a good idea. They are very fragile and need more special care than regular ducks. Have you seen call ducks in person before?
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Yes I have and my daughter has been with days old chicks several times before, supervised. She is extremely gentle, I'm not worried about anything happening to them. What special care are you talking about? As ducklings or adults?
Both as babies and adults they are very very small as adults think like the size of a pigeon or just slightly bigger than a dove. As babies they are super super small and being that small means they are extra fragil they can't be grabbed or dropped very much or from high distances. I had to build an aviary for mine becuase they were so small and they could easily have been taken by any predator like even cats could just swipe a paw and probably take one out.
If you live out in a farm or countryside that's fine, but if you're living in a neighbourhood then don't get female call ducks because they are really really loud. The males are OK.

To get the ducks to bond with your daughter, I would highly recommend petting them a lot as ducklings so that they will become very famillar with each other, as goes for all ducks really. Good luck!
Thank you. I have done a lot of research on them and do not live in a neighborhood. I already have 25 birds between chickens and ducks, including roosters. The calls we are getting are not the size of pigeons... I have never seen a full grown call that size. My daughter has already handled day old bantam chicks among others, we are not new to this. Thank you for your help!! We will make sure they are very well socialized.
They are a lot smaller than standard size ducks but definitely not pigeon size. I'm okay with that, these are just pets!

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