Pekin Acting Drunk


Apr 20, 2015
Best way to describe it!
So, a year ago we got 4 Pekins. One male ended up being "different"; he never fully developed a quack, has a line like a split down his chest, and the 3 others we got at the same time leave him out often.
Yesterday, my son and I were laughing as he was alone in the pool spinning in circles - around and around - super fast, then bumper boating his body off the sides.
Today when I let him out of pen, it looked like his head was swaying and bobbing. Ever so slightly, but enough where I noticed.
Is this a "thing"?
IF it is a problem then my mallard drake has the same one. He swims around in circles, I assumed he was chasing his foot like how a dog chases his tail, then will suddenly do that bumper car thing like yours does. He doesn't sway his head as far as I know, and I think his quack is fine but he's the only drake I've had so far so I don't have something to compare it to.

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