Help Now... PLEASE!


8 Years
Sep 20, 2014
Denver, CO
I have a hen that has been laying shell-less eggs for several weeks. At first it was soft shells, now we only find a wet goopy spot in the boxes - I assume that they're being eaten. I have been giving her a steady dose of calcium glutonate (sp?) - approx 1cc per day - and vitamin D but there has been little change. Until today her demeanor and apparent health otherwise has been typical - mischievous as always.

Yesterday I was reading a thread that advised against giving calcium supplements daily, so we skipped it last night. (She did get a treat of salmon, however) THis morning she is puffed up, tail down, on the roost. She won't come out of the coop. I've been expecting this, frankly, as the shell-less eggs can't be good for her body.

We had a round of what I think was IB a little over a month ago, and one other chicken is SOMETIMES laying odd eggs, but this one is the only one with what looks like long-term effects. This particular hen is a favorite, and so although I knew this might be the end result, I can't quit fighting for her. I am heading out to do a oral dose of the Calcium G right now and hope it help with something.

WHAT TO DO NOW? What am I possibly missing???
She may be ill or weak from parasites (internal/external - lice, mites, worms), or possibly has a deficiency in her diet. What protein mix is she getting as or in her feed?
Thank you so much for responding.
Calcium Gluconate - 23% Solution - 1cc orally (dripped in her mouth with a small syringe today but usually I just soak a small piece of stale bread in the stuff)
Vitamin D3 - liquid drops I picked up at the health food store - 2000 IU, 1 drop per day, mixed in with the calcium (treat or straight-up today)
I don't think it's parasites - we are diligent about that (worming 2X per year - spring and fall) and they finished their last worming round on March 26. No signs of any lice/mites/etc.
Since my first post I have gone out twice. The first time she had made her way off the roost and into the nesting box and was "laying" a shell-less egg - not even a membrane. 3 of her comrades were lined up behind her digging in - like they've been trained these last few weeks to gather round for treats because Henrietta's "laying" again.
I pulled her out and gave her the liquid calcium supplement and just held her for a while. She took the calcium without a fuss (but she always does) and just rested on my lap. I put her back into the nesting boxes, thinking she'd be most comfortable there.

When I just went out to give her some water by dropper she was in the run, standing still with her tail still (mostly) down and a little poofed up but looking better than earlier. She came (slowly) to me when I came to get her and then took her water without complaint. Although she's looking better than this morning, she's still nowhere near her normal self.
Humm... Typically I dose Calcium gluconate, 5 - 10 mg/kg as an injectable in the muscle or under the skin. Vitamin D3 is administered at 200 IU daily for 3 days per week. I would discontinue the calcium as it has been several weeks without improvement. Calcium supplementation can result in hypercalcemia - or too much of a good thing. Hypercalcemia may result in increased drinking/water consumption, lethargy, inappetence, and generally non-specific malaise. It sounds like it is time to be seen by a vet for a vet to check Henrietta's serum calcium level. They will likely also recommend taking abdominal radiographs (x-rays) to get a better idea of what's going on.
That does make sense, except that she only started acting sick when I withdrew the calcium, and then perked up after I gave it again.In fact, she's acting ALMOST normally now.

There is no doubt that she's not absorbing what I give her though, is there?
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