Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

Ah cool. Keep us posted.
Will do. Hopefully they survive long enough to lay some eggs and don't die
Spook too old to climb trees anymore.

Cut cut down apple tree last year to get apples.

No apples this year.

But I got a nice stump.
LOL...leave the trees & maybe apples fall eventually.

Tonight's dinner
Oh, I bet that smells heavenly when it comes out of the oven.

I just lost my little black and white Call duckling
I was by the brooder playing with them, and suddenly she started making a horrible racket and was stretched all out and was obviously not well. I scooped her up and she died almost immediately while I was holding her. I don't know what happened
Jeez, sorry!

Good morning pondies!! I'm looking forward to no work tomorrow. Yay for a 3 day weekend.
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Tonight's dinner
that looks delicious!!
were you weighing it?? lol

I just lost my little black and white Call duckling
I was by the brooder playing with them, and suddenly she started making a horrible racket and was stretched all out and was obviously not well. I scooped her up and she died almost immediately while I was holding her. I don't know what happened
im so sorry!!!!

Morning Pondites.

Oz, I know you were interested in them before but here they are. Meat birds at 9.5 weeks old. It's been wet outside and they don't like to get off the ground if they don't have to.


Will do. Hopefully they survive long enough to lay some eggs and don't die

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