Can we eat incubated infertile eggs?

You "could", yes, but the issue would be more a matter of "should" or "want to". How far into the incubation period are they? Personally, were I to decide not to continue incubation to the end I would simply dispose of the eggs - especially if there has been some intervening period between the ending of active incubation and the present.
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Personally, were I to decide not to continue incubation to the end I would simply dispose of the eggs - especially if there has been some intervening period between the ending of active incubation and the present.

Me too.
Less than 10 days. I thought so too, but tossing away 10+ eggs is a waste. I recently candled them and found most were infertile. Should I add them to the compost?
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I would scramble them and feed them to your other poultry.

I've had infertile eggs that have gone the full 21+ days with a broody hen and I've cracked them open to check on them and chickens have come along and eaten it. They didn't smell bad even after that length of time and the chickens obviously thought they were fair game.
Plenty of broody hens eat eggs that get broken. so it is a natural occurrence.
Good luck with your remaining hatch.
If they smell bad and the yolk disintegrates when the contents are put into a bowl I toss them. If they don't stink and the yolk seems intact I cook them and feed them to the dogs.

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