Help finding the specific article titles for LA city


In the Brooder
Oct 30, 2016
Hello everyone!

I'm going round in circles on the internet here trying to find the governmental page that has the actual laws and ordinances. I've found plenty of other sources but for some reason the governmental page has been so difficult for me to find, and I've found it before! I just forgot to save it to my browser.

I'm specifically looking for the part that says non-commercial birds are allowed 20 feet from own residence and 35 feet from neighboring residences. No restriction on number of chickens allowed.

We have some grumpy neighbors and before they even have the chance to complain, I'd like to have all the legal paperwork printed out and highlighted for them.

Thanks for your help in my search!!
They are always difficult to negotiate.
I'm in the Midwest so can only tell you that I know chickens are allowed in LA.
My best advice is to go to city hall and get a copy of the ordinances.

My next best form of advice is to try to make friends or at least amicable relations with neighbors, no matter how grumpy.
Angry neighbors are the worst and can quickly lead to ordinance changes that affect a whole city.
Thank you for the advice. It's a bit hard because they are on the back side of the wall, so they are on another street, but we will definitely try to be friendly!

What do you think is best, telling them now before we put the coop in place, or stopping by after it's there with a little letter that answers some common misconceptions/concerns about chickens?
I flew under the radar for a while because I got along with all the neighbors and no one can see what I'm doing here.
However, that's not the best approach. Most people suggest discussing it ahead of time to thwart any issues down the road.
Whatever you do, don't be confrontational. Aholes can quickly be made worse.
How many are you planning on having?
Okay, thanks for the advice. I'll definitely put that on my to do list. I currently have 6. They aren't fully grown adults yet (6-8 weeks) and their coop is nearly finished being built.

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