Nebraska: Selling Eggs - Laws


6 Years
Apr 2, 2016
Northeast NE
Wondering if anyone from Nebraska is selling their eggs and fully understands the laws/regulations. Please correct me if I am wrong... my understanding is that I (owner of 10 laying hens) could LEGALLY sell eggs by the dozen to family and friends as long as they are not in a container that states any grading has been done to the eggs? Have been trying to read up on the laws and am not sure I understand them 100% and have not discovered any contact information of someone involved in the USDA etc that I could ask.
If you were inclined you could call your state agriculture agency for all the specifics or your state. Each state has the basic requirements and some states add to it. For instance Florida requires you to wash the eggs and in doing so you must keep refrigerated. Kinda dumb, forced to wash off the natural protective bloom so you have to keep refrigerated.

The universal basics are:

Your not allowed to grade or size your eggs.

Your farm name or home address must be on every container sold.

If reusing egg cartons you must black out any product name, grade and size. (take a black marker and put a line through all that info then put a sticker or hand write your address).

That's it. Pretty basic. Again, if your inclined to look into it call your state agriculture department. To family and friend sales I'd just keep it simple and to the universal basic requirements.
Wondering if anyone from Nebraska is selling their eggs and fully understands the laws/regulations. Please correct me if I am wrong... my understanding is that I (owner of 10 laying hens) could LEGALLY sell eggs by the dozen to family and friends as long as they are not in a container that states any grading has been done to the eggs? Have been trying to read up on the laws and am not sure I understand them 100% and have not discovered any contact information of someone involved in the USDA etc that I could ask.
I am in Nebraska. I can't say that I understand the law 100% either, but this is what I do understand:
1. Eggs may be sold by a producer without a license if their flock is under 3000 hens AND they have the proper labeling.
2. Eggs must be clean, must be kept refrigerated to 45°F or below, and be labeled with the Nebraska Egg Code number (if a producer is required to have one), grade & size (generally for a small producer this is required to be "ungraded" which covers both), packaged date, and name and address of the packer.


Hope this helps.

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