Free Araucana rooster...Western MA


Kiss My Grits...
Premium Feather Member
11 Years
May 19, 2008
Western MA
Hes a beauty..
AND he comes from good breeder lines.
Would be willing to drive a reasonable distance to meet you at a half way point. It would be such a shame to send him to freezer camp, he'll make some beautiful babies. I have 4 roosters and only 15 hens...He's getting beat up by my bigger roos..
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He's a handsome fella -- BUT -- just for the sake of accurate advertising, he is not an Araucana or an Ameraucana. He has a full tail and no ear tufts (Araucana), and he also has no ear muffs or beard (Ameraucana). He is most likely an Easter Egger (an Ameraucana or Araucana mixed breed).

I hope you find a good home for him, I'm sure he deserves one.
LOL..hi doc! He came from a well known breeder here in BYC..and i trust this person...very much. I didnt buy the eggs though..another member did and hatched them out and i brooded the chicks..
anyways..he does carry the ear tuffs gene (as far as i know..i'll have to go back and check their web page to be 100% certain though) and i know for sure he carries the rumpless gene...his brother from the same hatch is dont know... I'll PM you...
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Heres his brother..he is rumpless..but are right, no tuffs..interesting..i'll have to go check this persons web page to see if they carry the tuffted gene...but i do know they carry the rumpless gene.. also..i'll post the female tomorrow..she does have a tail also...BUT, she lays a beautiful araucana green egg.... *confused*

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Also..i just noticed the 2 roos combs are different...The mystery continues..I'm going to start a thread about it...i'm interested in this now..
The genetics of ear tufts and rumplessness doesn't really work that way. Neither one is a recessive trait in araucanas, so a bird can't normally "carry" the genes without showing them. Now, they are a little bit more complicated than straight dominant traits -- for instance, tufts can be nearly invisible so a bird can *look* tuftless when it isn't -- but in general a bird that doesn't show tufts doesn't have the tufting gene, and a bird with a full tail doesn't have the rumpless gene.

Unfortunately, it *is* very hard to breed good araucanas that have both tufts and no tails. For instance, it's impossible to create a homozygous tufted bird, because the gene is lethal in double doses -- so the best you can do is breed two birds that each have one copy of the gene, which naturally means that some of the offspring won't get the tufts. Also, some breeders do include tailed birds in their breeding programs, because they think that continually breeding rumpless to rumpless eventually creates fertility problems.

Also, since you mention green eggs -- ideally, araucanas and ameraucanas should both lay BLUE eggs. Some do lay greenish eggs, but the more green they are the more likely it is that there are other breeds in there. Also, the more single the comb looks (rather than pea combed), the more likely there's blood from other breeds.

Folks who breed araucanas are always going to end up with non-ideal birds. Even forgetting the question of proper colors, there are going to be clean faced and/or tailed birds getting hatched. I have some of these that I've hatched myself, in fact (although none have tails as full or combs as large as your roo). I haven't sold any of mine yet, but when I do I'll be selling them as EEs. If you choose to sell yours as araucana, you should be very careful to specify that it's clean faced and tailed. Because there's so much confusion about breed names, it's important to be very clear here.
Okay..mystery solved..the person that bought the eggs just PM me and stated that he may have gotten some eggs mixed up with some of his during that hatch period..
Now he tells me...
Sooo NOW i know that he must be a mix or some sort.. *sigh* Soo..i dont want you guys to think i was fibbin...i was just going by what he told me...
And Doc, you were right..
, all this time i though he was a Araucana ...
I cant tell the difference..and he had green legs...

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