Why do you raise Peafowl?

The fact that we didn't get ours young enough could be a good possibility. Our pieds were yearlings, and the midnights are 3 and 4 year old breeders. I didn't want super young birds, as I didn't feel like doing the brooder thing. Wanted to be able to put them right outside.

When the midnights breed next year we'll keep back a few and see how it goes.
I wondered about the males too, since we've never had a male -- are they like roosters? do they get really aggressive during breeding season or will they hang with the ladies & leave people alone, or attack anything that comes into their territory?
MinxFox : Your avatar is so beautiful! That’s your India blue pied white eye right?
Peafowl seem protective of their surroundings – does everyone find this to be true?
Your little dog sound like my chicken could take it on and well lets face it – they ARE chickens. My rescued dog is a 1 ½ year old Golden retriever “puppy” and I’m still trying to break him of the chicks being play toys even though he was exposed to them since they were 1 day old and behaves beautifully----- when we are within sight.
Love the hawk story – wonder if that hawk ever came back or went on to friendlier hunting grounds…

Thanks yes that is my India Blue pied white eye. Our poodle is afraid of a lot of things, but then again she catches opossums and plays with them until we can pull her off of them.​
I just recently bought two 10 month old india blue peafowl. We put them in a green house till i could finish the netting over their pen and disaster strikes the next day. The wind picked up the whole green house peafowl and all and blew away. Luckily when i got home we were able to find them and catch them. I have 8 guineas and i figured they would stay with them but they didn't. Anyways I'm new to peafowl any tips and advice to training them?

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